Chapter Forty-Five: From a Whisper to a Scream

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"Uh, yeah." Callie said.

Rory gave her friend a look, not believing her.


"George thinks I'm a whore because I slept with Conrad." Callie said.

Rory gave her friend a sad smile. She knew that Callie and Conrad weren't serious, they were never going to be anything other than friends who sometimes slept together. 

"Did he call you a whore?" Rory demanded, because if he did, George O'Malley would be a dead man.

"More like implied it...god." Callie said trying not to cry.

Rory sighed and hugged her friend. George O'Malley, in a bad place because his father was in the hospital or not, was going to pay. Rory thought. Maybe she will pick Conrad and Alec's minds for a suitable punishment. 


"Did Dr. Bailey see the chest x-ray?" Alec asked Meredith as he looked at the results.

"No, but with the low pulse ox. and decreased breath sounds, she suspects Janelle will need a chest tube." Meredith explained to the dark haired attending who nodded as he examined them to see if Bailey was right.

"I'm dabbing out freaking glass splinters, and she gets to do a chest tube?" Alex asked as Eddie, Mark, and Alex were picking out glass, while Eddie kept a close eye on the monitor to see any signs of distress from the mother or baby.

"You signed on for this." Mark reminded his intern. 

"This is not a good day for me. This is not a good day for me at all." Janelle moaned.

"The baby looks good, Janelle. Heart beat is strong. Do you want to call the father?" Eddie asked.

"You could, but that would require me speaking to him, which I no longer do. Hearing he's a daddy from some random doctor might not go over so well." Janelle said thinking about her ex.

"So the father doesn't know?" Alec said as he joined them.

"No, and he's never going to." Janelle said, this was her baby, and hers alone.

"Grey, can I speak with you?" Callie asked as she approached Meredith who was getting the materials needed for a chest tube. 

"I'm setting up a chest tube." Meredith explained.

"I need to talk to you when you're done." Callie said. 

"I'll find you." Meredith promised.

"You know I can suture. I've done it before." Alex offered to Mark who was diligently working on stitching up Janelle.

"When you've can do a z-plasty and barely see the scar, give me a call. Until then, dab and clean, dab and clean." Mark ordered.

"Welcome to plastics, Karev. Is it everything you've ever dreamed of?" Alec asked sarcastically, remembering being on Mark's service when he was a resident. The man was tough and could be a major ass....but he was good....better than good. One of the best.

"We're not doing a chest tube Grey." Bailey said as she approached the group, stopping Meredith.

"What's going on?" Alec and Eddie asked as one. 

"Ms. Duko. You have a shard of glass going into your heart." Bailey explained.

Oh that wasn't good. Not one bit. 


"Hey. Have you see Dr. Torres?" Meredith asked her boyfriend as she joined him in the X-Ray viewing room.

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