Cruise ( part 2)

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" A BOMB!?" You and megumi exclaimed causing gojo to put his hands on your mouths.

" Not a bomb, per se, there are assasains or should i say curse users on board, apparently i shouldn't have booked through my name. I need you both on high alert, but first i need you guys to install security cameras, in the lower deck." He said giving you a small pack of button sized cameras.

" And if we come face to face with them? I don't have my tessens on me" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

" where did you put them?" Gojo asked.

" in my drawer? Why.." before you could finish gojo disappeared " where the hell is he" you asked megumi with wide eyes.

" teleporting" he said looking at his phone rather then at you. This pompous brat, you said angriliy and just at that time gojo arrived.

" Here, now scram" he saif handing you the fans and walking away to pester someone else. you looked at fushiguro with paled expression. " tell me the bullshit he just told us is fake."

" i sense their cursed energies, so no" he said looking in your eyes, finally. " You can sit this one out if your feeling weak or faint" he suggested but it made you angry. Does he think you are weak?

" No, i would come with you, lets set up these cameras." you say going towards where you thought the stairs to the lower deck are.

" its the other way" Megumi said, amusement written on his face.

" i knew that!" you lied and turned the right way.

For a while you and Megumi were able to work efficiently and quietly, most of the east side of the lower deck was covered with cameras, now only the other side was left. Although you both tried to be discrete to avoid suspicion from the cruise staff, you felt somebody was keeping an eye on you and Megumi. Who would suspect two teenagers walking together on the lower deck? You asked yourself.

Out of the three storage rooms two were done, wired and under supervision, it took time but it was worth the effort, you and megumi made an efficient team, even with the nature of your dressing you managed to place the cameras with megumi's help, who was very good with wiring and stuff.

Everything was going smoothly, until the last storage room. It was bit cramped then the ones before and it was dark, You took out your phone for flashlight while megumi sat down to do the wiring.

"Angle it like this" Megumi grabbed your hand to position the light source better. " bring it a little closer, too close back off a bit" he said getting annoyed.

" Fushiguro give me one good reason why i shouldn't kick you and leave." you say agitatedly.

" your pretty ass has too much ego to leave me in the middle of a possible action scene"although you can't see his face, his tone told you he was smirking. Stupid bastard. You thought angrily because he was right, 100% accurate. And you hate that he knows you too well.

Before you could retort, somebody tried opening the door, and when it couldn't they started banging it.

You look at megumi, mirroring your bewildered expression, what the hell do you do now, what would happen when this guy on the other side finds two teenagers alone...............

wait that gave you an idea, it was a hack you have read once about, but it's too embarrassing as hell.

The man's knocking grew by the second. Fuck, desperate times called for desperate measures, telling yourself that you did what had to be done.

You fake moaned, and loudly

" AHHH~ yes you're so good baby" you moaned, your eyes meeting Megumi's completely baffled one. " OH GOD YES, KEEP GOING" you moaned out loud giving indication to the frozen megumi to keep doing the work, it took him two seconds to put together what you were doing and continue what he was doing.

The guy stopped knocking but you were sure he was just standing there so you didn't stop your facade and kept moaning out loud, god you sound like a porn star, you thought to yourself. After a few seconds the work was done and you and megumi were ready to leave this accursed storage room.

" wait" Megumi said walking close to you, even in the dark you can make out his blue eyes, looking like a moonless night. " Atleast look the part as well," as he disheaveld his hair a bit, loosened his tie and tucked out his dress shirt and tucked it back in sloppily and you messed up your hair and dress as well.

Then u both walked out hand in hand, going past the Staff guy, This time you didn't mind the smirk on Megumi's face as he walked past him and led you towards the middle deck, back to the party.


" aye do you guys know, i heard a staff member telling his friend that he caught two teenagers fucking in the storage room on the lower deck?" Yuji told everyone next morning at breakfast. you guys were staying on the cruise for the weekend Megumi choked on his juice and you coughed weirdly while the probed yuji for more info.

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