Cruise (part 1)

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The cruise was not as private as you all had expected, but still it was luxurious and huge. One could easily get lost in here finding a way to the bathroom bythemselves. You were a party of eight plus a panda,so you guys had the middle deck to yourselves, catered by the friendly cruise staff.

" I am so excited, i always wanted to ride in a cruise" Yuji exclaimed with stars in his eyes as he stared at the huge ship on the dock.

" Salmon" Inumaki agrees, the wind blew and you grabbed your trench coat much tighter, you were not confident enough like Nobara and Maki to show yourself in the Tight yet oddly comfortable black dress with diamond strips. Your usual Black hair were sitting in elaborate curls and you dull eyes were shinning with light makeup and your lips were a dark maroon shade. Nobara was looking pretty in the emerald green silky dress she was wearing and Maki almost looked unrecognizable in her purple dress, no glasses and her hair in an elegant bun. The guys were wearing tuxes except for panda. Even Yaga was joining this party but he looked anything but happy, Gojo was late as usual.

" the airport is not that far!" he complained to himself, checking his watch, the cruise would leave in five minutes and there was no sign of gojo so yaga started boarding you all in and just at the last moment gojo arrived with Yuta, running behind him.

" heh, traffic" Gojo said with a smile and a guilty expression

" you can fucking teleport" Yaga countered.

" such language! Tch tch, what a bad example for kids" Gojo smirked cockily

" were adults Gojo sensei, not kids" Megumi said rolling his eyes. Suddenly there was a flash of light, nearly blinding.

" Megumi chan! You look so handsome in the suit, just like your dad." Gojo exclaimed, taking more pictures of an embarrassed Megumi. But Gojo was right, Megumi looked H O T in a suit, his hair not so much haywire but gelled back with only a few strands on his face, and the suit complimented his body, not too tight but just enough to let you know that he has packed some muscles.

" You are not my dad," He gruffed angrily. Catching your eyes suddenly which were busy drooling over him, having been caught you quickly engaged in a conversation with your brother. Gojo continued pestering Megumi while everyone talked to each other, you introduced yourselves to Yuta Okkutsu who looked like he could kill you but was actually a cinnamon roll. He seemed to be very happy being back to his old friends.

" take off your coat Y/n" Nobara exclaimed

" its cold" You lied.

" no way in hell are you spending this party in a ugly brown trench coat" and with that, the nobara you could beat easily in hand to hand took off your coat making you feel naked. " you have such a hot body, atleast show it off." she said adjusting your hair. " Lets get fruit punch" She said dragging you to the table. You can feel someone's gaze on you and when you looked back you just saw megumi talking to Yuta and Maki. 

You and Megumi hadn't talked to each other since last week, when he told you about your heart attack. You hated that he told you that, you couldn't think straight for the next three days and you did not like sitting in shoko's office with needles poking in your arm. But another side was thankful to him, he did not told any of this to the others, if yuji or nobara found out, they would treat you a porcelain doll. You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't saw Gojo until he waved his hand infront of you.

" Gojo sensei!" you startle.

" Y/n chan, had you lost there. I need to talk to you and Megumi" He said seriously. As he called megumi over.

" whats the problem?" Megumi asked, ignoring you, he didn't even glanced at you once.

" there is bomb on the ship"

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