Crushes / Chapter 2

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No one's POV:

It was a tuesday morning, and this time, Tanjiro woke up early. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw the time was still 6AM. He got up, got his things ready, and went downstairs. He saw Nezuko eating a pancake with one on his plate, he sat down and started eating with Nezuko.

"So Nezu.. Tell me about your friends before we go." They both started talking about school and how great their friends were. They checked the time to see it was already 6:53, they hurried and ran to school.

Tanjiro waved goodbye to his little sister who got inside her class, and he did too. Tanjiro got on his assigned seat and started listening to his teacher, slowly zoning off as he kept staring at the window.

"Kamado, Answer to problem number 3?" Tanjiro was quite surprised and got up from his seat, he tried to guess the answer and getting ready for the humiliation. "Is it.. Letter C?" Tanjiro mumbled. "Correct, good job Kamado." Tanjiro let out a sigh of relief as he sat back down.

He continued zoning off, daydreaming about random stuff until the bell rang. Mitsuri immediately went to him and dragged him to the cafeteria, which made Tanjiro flinch.

"Tanjii!! Let's try the Boba, pleaaseee?!" Mitsuri exclaimed, making a "🙏" hand sign and using her puppy eyes, Tanjiro sighed. "Finee.. If only it's not expensive!" Mitsuri jumped from happiness, she then bought two boba's for the two of them. Mitsuri happily drank her boba, loving the strawberry flavor, and Tanjiro was also loving the strawberry flavor.

"Wow.. I didn't think it tasted this good.." Tanjiro mumbled, Mitsuri chuckles. "You've seriously never tried Boba before?" Tanjiro shook his head. "No.." He murmured quietly, feeling quite embarrassed.

Then.. Genya, Zenitsu, and Muichiro walk to the cafeteria, Mitsuri glared at them. "Oh it's them." Tanjiro looks at Mitsuri in confusion before looking at the three, Tanjiro's eyes widen. Tanjiro thought they were quite cute looking but quickly snapped back to reality. "Who?.." Mitsuri sighs.

"That one guy that has a punk looking hair is Genya Shinazugawa, the yellow haired is Zenitsu Agatsuma, and the other one with black and teal hair is Muichiro Tokito. They're meanest in the whole school, but they're nice to others." Mitsuri whispered to Tanjiro.

"I'd recommend to not get close to them or whatever.. It's your choice, Tanji." Mitsuri smiles. Tanjiro blushes at their appearance, which Mitsuri noticed.

"Tanji? Your all red- Oh my gosh.. do you?..-" Tanjiro snapped back from reality again and immediately shook his head. "Nonono!- Mitsuri it's not what you think-"

Mitsuri whistles, making Tanjiro embarrassed. "Aww it's okay Tanji! Everyone has crushes!" Mitsuri exclaims out loud, Tanjiro immediately put a hand on her mouth, making her quiet. "SHH! Mitsuri no! I don't have a crush on them or whatever.."

"Aw shucks.. I wanted my ship to sail!" Mitsuri whispered, making Tanjiro shocked. She said WHAT?! Tanjiro becomes all red again. "Mitsuri!"

"What? It's not like i said anything wrong!" Mitsuri pouted. Tanjiro sighs and began to whisper to Mitsuri.

"Okay fine! I'll admit.. I do have a crush on the three.." Tanjiro whispered quietly, Mitsuri immediately squealed and started shaking Tanjiro as fast as she could, making Tanjiro dizzy.

"OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH! TANJII! THAT'S SO EXCITING!!!!" Mitsuri noticed Tanjiro getting dizzy and stopped shaking him, chuckling awkwardly as Tanjiro couldn't stay still.

"Tanji? Tanjiro! Tanjiro watch out!-" Tanjiro bumps into the three, falling onto the ground as his lower started hurting. Tanjiro rubbed his head and looked up to see the three staring at Tanjiro weirdly.

"Ah! Oh my.. I'm so sorry!" Tanjiro kept apologizing, which made the other two quite annoyed. (Genya and Muichiro.)

"It's fine. What's your name? I don't think we've seen you before." Zenitsu asks, Genya and Muichiro nod and continued staring at him.

"A- Ah! My name's Tanjiro Kamado!.." Tanjiro smiled awkwardly. "I'm still new to this school.. So, not many people know me yet!.."

"A new kid, hm." Genya mumbled. Zenitsu smirked at Tanjiro, seeming to like his cute appearance, while Muichiro stood there, emotionless but with a small smirk.

"You're quite the cutie, aren't ya?" Zenitsu says, takiing Tanjiro's hand and giving it a small peck. Tanjiro immediately flushed red and started sweating intensely.

"Zenitsu, leave Tanjiro alone." Genya growled, seeming quite jealous. Muichiro crossed his arms while inspecting Tanjiro's looks, personality, everything about him.

Genya pulled Zenitsu away from Tanjiro, Zenitsu gave Genya an annoyed look as Genya apologized to Tanjiro about his friend's attitude.

"Sorry about that." Mitsuri immediately noticed the three talking to Tanjiro, and Genya apologizing. She stood there shocked, The three have never been THIS nice to someone before.. Or even apologize to someone!

"How the fuck?!" Mitsuri thought. How did Tanjiro even do this to them? Mitsuri felt two different emotions right now. Confusion, and Excitement.

Tanjiro and the three began to talk and even laugh, but Muichiro kept quiet, as he was secretly checking out Tanjiro.

"I see.. Muichiro? Why aren't you talking? This cute boy needs your attention too, you know." Zenitsu teased. Making both Muichiro and Tanjiro embarrassed.

"Shut your ass up.." Muichiro growled to Zenitsu, Zenitsu rolled his eyes and continued talking to Tanjiro, while Genya watched Tanjiro with a soft smile.

Even at lunchtime, the three went to Tanjiro and talked to him. Mitsuri kept looking at the four of them with shock.


"Heyy.. We're actually going to a resort at Saturday, would you like to come?" Zenitsu smiled to Tanjiro, whose eyes twinkle in excitement.

"I would love to!!" He squealed excitedly, the three let out a chuckle, loving Tanjiro's cute attitude.

The three then gave Tanjiro their numbers, in order for them to keep talking with him. Tanjiro smiled brightly as they continue talking about stuff.

Obanai, Giyuu and Sanemi notice this, and they couldn't help but feel jealous. Tanjiro with other people? They were extremely jealous and even glared at them. Zenitsu noticed this, and gave them a proud smirk which only angered them more.

It was now time to go home, the three offered to walk with Tanjiro, which made him flustered but agreed anyway.

Mitsuri gave Tanjiro a pout, annoyed that the three were stealing her best friend. (no romantic relationship between Tanjiro and Mitsuri!)

Chapter 3 will be released in a few hours! ^^

Word count- 1095

My only love. - MuiGenZenTanWhere stories live. Discover now