"Oh." Blake turns around. She drives to the house, parking in the driveway.

"That's not the advice, though." Spencer says. "Blake, for the last 10 years, this job has been my life. And a few years ago, I found someone who really makes me happy. Even though it took forever for us to do anything. So, work... there's always work, and there'll always be work. What's rare is finding someone who makes us happy."


"How can number 6 be the unsub?" Rossi asks. "We profiled a sadist."

"That all changed when he had Mary Hammond alone. He found something else that worked for him." Blake says.

"The guy's wife left him because he was a cutter. So he took those women not because of sex but because of something better." Derek says. "They validate his obsessive compulsive disorder, turn it into a shared bonding experience."

"Then he got to play two roles -- the unsub who tortures and the sympathetic prisoner." Hotch says.

"So I just spoke with Phillip's soon to be ex-wife." JJ walks over. "According to her, he lives in a day-rate motel."

"He'd need more space and privacy than that." Bedelia says.

"I'm here, sir." Penelope says.

"What do we know about Phillip Connor's work history?" Hotch asks.

"Uh, he freelanced in the area, mostly computer stuff, that the car company subcontracted out to." Penelope says.

"He needs infrastructure. Something he could convert." Rossi says.

"Garcia, what work site sticks out as the biggest?" Blake asks.

"There's a microprocessor plant in foreclosure." She says. "Is that the kind of thing you're looking for?"

"The clean rooms. He could seal his prisoners in there and no one could hear them scream." JJ says.

"We're gonna need a strategy. If he's got abandonment issues, he won't hesitate to kill Emma." Hotch says.

"Unless we give him something he wants even more." Blake says.

"Can you make that happen?" Hotch asks.

"If I can't, it's gonna be one hell of a bluff." Blake says. "And I need your help." She tells JJ who nods.


They caught the unsub and were able to save Emma. Blake leads her outside.

"There he is." Blake says. Emma looks up before running to her husband who meets her halfway, the two tightly hugging. Spencer walks over to Blake who is watching them.

"You've made up your mind, haven't you?" He asks. Blake nods. "I'm happy for you."

Spencer looks around, spotting his girlfriend and walking over to her.

"Hey." He greets making her turn away from JJ, the blonde walking off.

"Hey." She smiles. "You good?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Are you okay?" Spencer asks.

"Yeah." Bedelia nods. Spencer smiles at her, Bedelia giving him an inquisitive look. "What?" She asks with a small laugh.

"Nothing." Spencer dismisses. "I just... really love you."

Bedelia smiles, feeling her heart melt as it always does.

"Well, good, cause I really love you, too." Bedelia grins, pecking him on the lips.


Bedelia reaches for another slice of pizza and takes a bite. The two are on Spencer's couch and are relaxing, the two making sure to have at least a few minutes of peace each day.

"Hey, B." Spencer calls.

"Yeah?" She asks, taking another bite of her pizza.

"Would you... would you, uh... maybe, um... would you want to move in?" He quickly asks making Bedelia freeze.

"Wh-what?" She asks, swallowing the pizza.

"Would you wanna move in?" He forces himself to talk slower despite having his anxiety be at a max.

"Really?" Bedelia asks.

"Well, we-- we already basically live with each other anyway. Why not... make it official?" Spencer wonders. "And-- and I really wanna live with you."

"I would love to." Bedelia smiles.

"Re-really?" Spencer stammers.

"Yeah." Bedelia nods. "Yeah, it'd be nice to... have it be official." She smiles, tucking some of his hair behind his ear.

"Oh, good." Spencer lets out a large breath of relief. "I was so scared you'd say no." Bedelia chuckles.

"I'd never say no to you." Bedelia says. "Well, that's a lie but, you get it." Spencer smiles. He leans over and kisses her, cupping both sides of her face. Bedelia blindly reaches out, putting her slice of pizza down and wrapping her arms around him.

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