8. Corpse on the Loose

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Seraphina glowered. "You know I've worked hard to keep the place running after Charlotte died."

"I've offered to buy the building from you countless times so you don't have to worry your pretty little head about it anymore." He offered her a condescending smile, as if treating her like a child. "I understand how much you and your friend Charlotte had wanted to make your way without the council, but be serious now. Look where that got her. Do you want to end up like that?"

"Of course not." Seraphina clenched her fists at her sides. She knew more about where Charlotte had gone than anyone else did.

For him to even suggest she'd die without the Supernatural Council was absurd. More than ever, she understood why her old friend turned to the dark arts for protection. Charlotte had been one of the most powerful wizards in Briarwood, and Seraphina knew how royally fucked up it was to summon her demon in her bakery's basement, but she could learn from her. Out of any demon in hell, she trusted her more than them, believing Charlotte's soul was still somewhere in there and that she cherished their friendship as much as Seraphina had.

"Why don't you just sell the bakery then?" Father asked. "You could just focus on your council duties instead. I'm sure your mother could find you another position if you're not satisfied where you're at now. Maybe you could be an apprentice for her? I know she'd love that."

He always knew how to guilt-trip her. Of course her mother would love to have her work alongside her, and Seraphina wouldn't mind that at all, but balancing that kind of workload with the bakery would be exhausting. She didn't want to burn herself out either.

"I'll consider it, but my answer is still no on selling my bakery."

It was all she had left of her beloved friend. Deep in her heart, she knew that selling the bakery would go against Charlotte's wishes.


Sunlight struggled to penetrate through the thick gray clouds, weighed with promises of more snow to fall overnight. After finishing her shift at Blissful Bites, she dropped by their local emporium. It was only a block away from her bakery.

The moment Seraphina stepped into the emporium, a delightful aroma of incense and cardamom embraced her. Smoke coiled around the shelves of spellcraft supplies and potions.

"Welcome, Seraphina." Mrs. Vale greeted her at the door with a warm, licorice-lipped smile.

"Hi, Mrs. Vale." Seraphina stepped further into her shop, passing a display of enchanted wool hats and gloves imbued with heating magic to keep them warm during the wintry months.

"Anything I can help you find?" Mrs. Vale asked.

"Maybe." Seraphina gazed around. "Where are your protection charms? Specifically ones that could ward off something wicked like a devil."

Mrs. Vale's eyes widened like saucers, but she nodded as she stepped out from behind the register. "Follow me. We keep such charms in the back for emergency cases. They're created with a blood charm, which many folks are frightened of but to combat wickedness, you can't rely only on pure magic."

Seraphina trailed behind the taller woman, brushing against racks of wizardry apparel and robes. Candles centered all throughout the shop flickered with flames cast by Mrs. Vale's own magic. Her family was one of the few left with fire magic, but many from their town looked down upon them, deeming it just as wicked as black magic.

Upon opening a door in the back of the shop, she revealed a small room brimming with shelves of shimmery vials, trinkets, and spellbooks. Mrs. Vale gestured for her to step over to the oval-shaped table with intricate summoning carvings Seraphina didn't even recognize.

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