Chapter 3

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A portal appeared and the ship entered the galaxy. Everyone in the ship is okay as they stand up on their feet.

Jaune/Kyoya: is everyone all right..?

Crewman #1: systems in the ship seems to be 100% fine...

RaiRyuu GGG Super-AI Vehicle Machine in robot mode walked up.

RaiRyuu: I have to admit of all the crazy things almost feel like my sisters went haywired..

Volfogg the police Ninja GGG Super-AI Vehicle Machine in robot mode walked up next to RaiRyuu.

Volfogg: take it easy trust me we all have been from far worse..

Jaune/Kyoya: status report on the situation..?

Crewman #2: well when a moment we exit out of the portal we end up in the middle of nowhere somewhere in the region of the Galaxy..

It was a moment of silence until Bernard Monsha was freaking out and panicking at the situation.

Monsha: So we're middle of fucking nowhere!?

Bernard Monsha got a slap on the face by Jaune/Kyoya of his panicking.

Jaune/Kyoya: that's enough for the time being, I need any reports if there's any planets nearby..

Crewman #5: Sir, we just found a planet and there's lifeforms there.

RaiRyuu: Wait, what!

Jaune looked out the window to see a planet that looked like earth and saw a shattering moon. Wide open he recognized that planet before.

Jaune: I think I know where we are.

Everyone looks at him to see him staring at the planet.

Kou: Wait, You know that planet.

He turned around and faced them.

Jaune/Kyoya: Yes. It's called Remnant. My home.

Everyone was silent for a moment and then, something shocking happened.










Crewman #8: You live on that planet, sir?!

Jaune/Kyoya: Look, I can explain all of you later. For now, check on them if they are okay.

Crewman #9: Yes, sir.

After they check on them. Everyone is looking at Jaune to know about his home planet.

Kijima: So, I've heard that you were born there. Is that true?

Jaune/Kyoya: Yes. Remnant is my home planet... is there anywhere on the planet that no one else can't see us..

Crewman #9: well there's one known as the dragon continent barely any city nearby..

Jaune/Kyoya: I want to set up a base in the dragon continent make sure that our presents have to be low profile if just in case we have to reveal ourselves to the world..

Kou: Alright, we'll do our best to keep a low profile. But what about the people who live on that continent? Aren't we putting them at risk by setting up a base there?

Jaune/Kyoya: I understand your concerns, but we need a place to operate from. We can establish our presence discreetly and minimize any potential disruptions to the locals.

Kijima: And what about the authorities? They might not take kindly to a group of strangers setting up a base on their planet.

Jaune/Kyoya: That's a valid concern. We'll have to tread carefully and avoid any unnecessary attention. But I believe we can find a way to coexist peacefully with the people of Remnant.

Volfogg: I agree with Kyoya. We've faced much worse situations in the past, and we've always managed to come out on top.

RaiRyuu: Yeah, I'm with Volfogg on this one. We can handle whatever challenges Remnant throws at us.

Kou: Alright, then it's settled. We'll set up a base in the dragon continent and do our best to stay under the radar. But if things go south, we'll need to be ready to fight our way out.

Jaune/Kyoya: I appreciate your support, everyone. Now let's focus on getting our gear and supplies ready for our arrival on Remnant.

SCVR-85 Oceanus and Fleet: 5x USS Flagg, 5x Irish Class (EFF), 4x Dreadnought-class Vanguard Spaceship, 4x Andromeda entering the atmosphere of remnant, going to the the dragon continent luckily Atlas or any other Kingdom did not spotted them, arriving at the dragon consonant they are ready to set up the base for operation including maybe creating a city better than the four kingdoms.

As the team begins unloading their equipment and setting up the base in the dragon continent, Jaune/Kyoya takes a moment to reflect on his past life on Remnant. He remembers the friends and family who turned their backs on him, as well as the challenges he faced in becoming a Huntsman.

Jaune/Kyoya: (to himself) I won't let my past define me. I'm here to create a new future for myself and my friends.

As he works alongside his new teammates, Jaune/Kyoya can't help but notice the camaraderie and trust that has developed among them. They may come from different worlds and backgrounds, but they share a common goal: to protect and serve those in need.

One day, while exploring the surrounding area, Jaune/Kyoya and Kou stumble upon a group of children playing near a river. They notice that the children are wearing ragged clothes and seem to be in poor health.

Kou: (concerned) Those kids don't look well taken care of. We should do something to help them.

Jaune/Kyoya: (nodding) I agree. Let's gather some supplies and see if we can improve their living conditions.

The two Huntsmen return to the base and gather food, clothing, and medical supplies. They then bring the items back to the children and offer their assistance.

Child #1: (grateful) Thank you so much! We've been struggling to survive ever since our parents died.

Jaune/Kyoya: (sympathetic) I'm sorry to hear that. We'll do everything we can to help you and your friends.

As they spend more time with the children, Jaune/Kyoya and Kou learn that they are not the only ones suffering in the dragon continent. Many families are living in poverty and facing dangerous conditions due to the lack of resources and support from the government.

Jaune/Kyoya: (determined) We can't just stand by and watch this happen. We need to find a way to help these people and make a difference in their lives.

Kou: (agreeing) I'm with you, Kyoya. Let's use our skills and resources to build a better future for the people of Remnant.

With renewed purpose, Jaune/Kyoya and his teammates work tirelessly to establish a thriving community in the dragon continent. They use their mobile suits to transport supplies, build infrastructure, and protect the citizens from any threats that may arise.

Over time, their efforts begin to pay off. The once-neglected area becomes a beacon of hope and progress, attracting more people to join their cause. And as word of their success spreads, the governments of Remnant can no longer ignore the plight of the dragon continent's residents.

As Jaune/Kyoya stands atop a hill overlooking the bustling city they have created, he feels a sense of pride and accomplishment. He may have been a nobody back on Earth, but on Remnant, he has become a hero - not just to his teammates, but to the people he has sworn to protect.

And as he looks out at the shining city below, Jaune/Kyoya knows that he has found his true calling in life. He is no longer the faker or the loser he once was. He is a Huntsman, a leader, and a champion of justice, fighting for a brighter tomorrow for all.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 20 ⏰

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