Ch. 2- A Childless Mother

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"The person you are trying to call is not available. At the tone, leave a message. When you are finished recording, hang up or press one for more options."


"Look, I know you're upset with me but I've told you it's something I can't handle! Please, just answer the phone. I really need to talk to you...." Castiel hung up he phone for the thirteenth time that week.

He lay the phone down on his box filled counter and wiped is face with his hands, letting out a groan in the process. He turned back to packing what few plates were left in his china cabinet. He had most of his boxes stacked neatly against the den wall.

For 25 years old, Castiel Novak owned very few objects, most of them he would sale with the house. His clothes were packed, except for a 5 outfits in a suitcase, and whatever he didn't expect to wear anymore he had given to the local GoodWill or Salvation Army. His fiancé had helped purchase most of the furniture and accessories in the house so he had no interest in keeping those.

He only needed to pack his clothes, his plates and silverware, books, shoes, and other small items before loading them into the shipping truck where a storage locker waited for him in Jacksonville, North Carolina.

He was going through a mental checklist when his phone started ringing, causing him to drop a plate.

Well...I guess that's one less thing to pack, he thought sadly.

He quickly grabbed his phone, hope washing away when he saw the real estate agents number instead of the return of his voicemail.


"Ah, Castiel! I didn't wake you did I?"

"Dean, it's 12:00 here, I was just about to fix lunch," he said, looking down at the dismal, broken plate.

"Good! I have three houses lined up on the market that I believe will be perfect for you." Dean's voice came down the line.

Can smiled, "Thank you, sir! I should be finished packing by about 3:30. I'll load that onto the moving truck and catch my flight by 7:00. If I'm not mistaken, uh, I believe landing is-" Castiel held this word out, trying to think of the time, "ugh, I'm sorry. My mind's gone blank."

"Not a problem! From what you e-mailed me, your plane will land in Wilmington at 4:30 in the morning. So you should get to your hotel, I'll e-mail you the information, it's just three blocks from my office, so you'll get there about 5:15 that morning, depending upon the driver that gets you, I'll look that up for you, and then we'll start house hunting about noon, sound good?"

His mind hurt from all Dean was saying. He had taken care of his hotel room and his driver?

"Uh, thank you, Dean. I will pay you back for this. My realtor signed the papers for this house this morning and the money will be wired into my account by midnight tonight." Castiel said blushing. He didn't like that this man he hadn't met was paying for such expensive privileges.

"Not a problem! Don't even worry about it! Let's just find you a home you're happy with!" Dean said sounding so happy for 3:00 in the afternoon on a Tuesday.

"Well, thank you. I will see you tomorrow at noon?"

"I look forward to it, Castiel!"

"The same here, Dean."

Thus ended the call and Castiel continued packing, not worried with the packing so much more.

Dean lay his phone down, turning back to his computer. He had found two houses on the outskirts of town, not far from the coast, and a single floor flat overlooking the beach for the mysterious Mr. Novak.

"Dean, your girlfriend's here to see you." His receptionist, Naomi, buzzed through the intercom.

"Send her in." He buzzed back, sighing afterwards. He loved her, he really did, but the relationship had lost its spark two years ago and now they were just together out of fear of hurting the other. After 7 years together, you figured they could make it through a little dry-spell.

A knock rang to his ears, in walking in the girl that stole his heart during their freshman year of college.

"There she is! Miss Jo Harvelle!" Dean said standing and walking around his desk to kiss her.

She giggled against his lips. "You're a dork, know that?"

"Yes, but I'm your dork." He said, pulling back with his arms wrapped around her waist.

She laughed and pulled away, fixing her black skinny jeans and realigning her thin, plaid button up. "Okay, okay, I brought you lunch, I know it's like three hours late but I just got out of the doctor." She handed him a fast food bag and drink.

He quickly set them on his desk, leaning against it and crossing his arms. "What? The doctor? What for?" He grew concerned.

She looked down at her old combat boots. " know how I have a strange period and all that..." she said suddenly carrying out.

"Yes?" Dean said, squinting his eyebrows together.

"Well, I wanted to have that checked out so I went to the gynecologist. And, she checked everything and...well...because of the abnormality of it, I can never-" she stopped, her voice breaking.

"Babe? Jo, honey, what's wrong?" He dropped to his knees in front of her, taking her small hands in his.

"I can't...I can't have children, Dean," make-up running down her face, "ever. It's impossible because the hormones or some shit like that." She said, wiping her face and attempting to fix her face. "I went by Bobby's on the way over, he and mom gave me the day off at the garage. I told them I needed to talk to you."

Dean's heart hurt from the news. He had never planned on children, at 28 it wasn't on his mind just yet. But it was always there with Jo, always the possibility that maybe one day...

He got up and walked to the intercom, "Naomi, cancel any meetings I had for today. I'm heading home early for the day. And call the driver for Mr. Novak and email hotel information to the both of them, please."

"Sure thing, boss man."

He grabbed his brief case and jacket and grabbed Jo's mascara smeared hand in his, helping her to her feet. "Let's go home, honey. We can talk about this there." He kissed her fore head and walked her to his car.

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