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I walk into lizzie and josie room "i was gonna go see hope but hope is currently busy, Did you guys know today is mine and hopes 1 year anniversary. And our next anniversary will mark 2 years but then 1 year since i turned" i said "we knew both of those things how didnt you" lizzie asked "oh im sorry i was to busy getting captured by malavore and him killing me" i said "do you remember him taking you now?" Josie asked "now i do" i said i see hope walking back to her room "go to go!" I said walking up behind hope and warping my arms around her waist "did you know today is our 1 year?" I said "yes" hope said "and you didnt tell me" i said "well i thought you forgot" hope said "no! I was to busy being taken by malavore!" I said hope smiled and i lean in and kiss hope but the door openes "MY GOD CAN I NOT KISS MY GIRLFRIEND!" I screamed "sorry, wanted to gove you this, this is a bracelet that mom gave me the first time i turned, it helps with the urge to feed on people" lizzie said "dont you need it" i asked "no. I have been a vampire for a while" lizzie said "thank you lizzie" i said "your welcome" lizzie said hugging me "ok, ill leave you to love birds alone." Lizzie said leaving i turn to hope "happy anniversary baby" i said "happy anniversary" hope said kissing me "and even in 1000 years from now i still will be hopelessly in love with you" hope said kissing me and i smiled into the kiss

I have not written a Hope X Fem Reader in a while and even if i did i never actually finished it but here we are! hope you like it!

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