The Caves of Horror

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The five members of the Ljubljana branch of Paranormal House gathered around the table, looking at the letter they had received from the director of the Škocjan Caves Park. The letter was an invitation to investigate a series of strange and disturbing incidents that had occurred in the caves, which were a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a natural wonder of Slovenia.

The letter read:

"Dear Paranormal House,

I am writing to you as a last resort, hoping that you can help us with a serious problem that we are facing in the Škocjan Caves. As you may know, the caves are a complex system of underground passages, chambers, and waterfalls, formed by the Reka River over millions of years. They are home to a rich biodiversity of flora and fauna, as well as a cultural and historical heritage of human settlements and rituals dating back to the prehistoric times.

However, in the past few months, we have witnessed a series of alarming events that have endangered the safety and well-being of our staff and visitors, as well as the integrity and preservation of the caves. These events include:

- Unexplained noises, such as screams, growls, and whispers, coming from the depths of the caves, especially at night.

- Mysterious disappearances of people and animals, who enter the caves and never return. Some of their belongings are found scattered or torn apart in the caves, but no trace of their bodies is ever found.

- Strange markings and symbols, carved or painted on the walls and ceilings of the caves, resembling ancient runes or occult signs. Some of them glow in the dark, emitting a faint green light.

- Malfunctioning of the electrical and mechanical systems, such as the lights, cameras, sensors, and alarms, that are installed in the caves for monitoring and security purposes. Sometimes they flicker, go off, or explode, without any apparent reason.

- Paranormal phenomena, such as cold spots, orbs, shadows, apparitions, and poltergeist activity, that are reported by the staff and visitors, who also experience feelings of fear, dread, and nausea, when they enter the caves.

We have tried to find a rational explanation for these incidents, but we have failed. We have also contacted the local authorities, but they have dismissed our claims as superstitions or hoaxes. We are desperate and afraid, as we do not know what is causing these phenomena, or what they want from us.

That is why we are reaching out to you, Paranormal House, as we have heard of your reputation and expertise in dealing with the supernatural and the paranormal. We are asking you to come to the Škocjan Caves and conduct an investigation, using your skills and tools, and find out the truth behind these mysteries. We are willing to offer you full access and cooperation, as well as a generous compensation for your services.

Please, reply to this letter as soon as possible, and let us know if you accept our invitation. We are counting on you.


Dr. Matej Novak

Director of the Škocjan Caves Park"

The five members of Paranormal House looked at each other, with a mix of curiosity, excitement, and apprehension. They knew that this was a rare and challenging opportunity, but also a dangerous and risky one. They had to make a decision.

Father Marko, the Catholic priest, spoke first. He was the leader of the group, and the oldest among them. He had a calm and wise demeanor, and a deep knowledge of the folklore and history of Slovenia. He said:

"I think we should accept this invitation. The Škocjan Caves are a sacred and mysterious place, where many legends and secrets are hidden. I have always wanted to visit them, and see for myself the wonders and mysteries that they hold. I believe that there is something powerful and ancient in the caves, something that is beyond our understanding, but that we can learn from. Maybe it is related to the legend of Zlatorog, the golden-horned chamois that guards a hidden treasure on Mount Triglav. Maybe it is a divine creature that can grant miracles to those who are worthy. Or maybe it is something else, something darker and more sinister. Whatever it is, I think we have a duty and a privilege to find out."

Imam Ali, the Muslim leader, nodded. He was the second oldest in the group, and the most devout. He had a gentle and respectful attitude, and a keen interest in the myths and legends of Slovenia. He said:

"I agree with Father Marko. The Škocjan Caves are a fascinating and intriguing place, where many stories and cultures have intertwined. I have always been curious about the myths and legends of Slovenia, especially the ones that involve dragons, as I think they might be related to the jinn, the supernatural beings in Islamic theology. I want to learn more about the Ljubljana dragon, the symbol of the capital city, and its connection to the ancient hero Jason and the Argonauts. Maybe it is a jinn that has taken the form of a dragon, or maybe it is a dragon that has some jinn-like qualities. Or maybe it is something else, something more complex and mysterious. Whatever it is, I think we have a chance and a challenge to find out."

Sister Veronika, the nun, smiled. She was the youngest in the group, and the most adventurous. She had a lively and cheerful personality, and a strong sense of justice and love. She said:

"I also agree with Father Marko and Imam Ali. The Škocjan Caves are a wonderful and amazing place, where many wonders and miracles have happened. I have always been passionate about the history and romance of Slovenia, especially the legend of Veronika of Desenice, the tragic heroine of the most famous Slovenian love story. I am a descendant of Veronika, and I inherited a mysterious ring from her, which I believe has magical powers. I want to find out the truth behind the legend of Veronika and her lover, Count Frederick II of Celje, who were killed by his father because of their forbidden love. Maybe the ring is a key to unlock the secrets of the caves, or maybe it is a curse that will bring more tragedy. Or maybe it is something else, something more beautiful and surprising. Whatever it is, I think we have a dream and a destiny to find out."

Pastor Martin, the Protestant minister, grinned. He was the second youngest in the group, and the most skeptical. He had a witty and sarcastic humor, and a sharp mind and eye. He said:

"I guess I'm the odd one out here, but I don't agree with the rest of you. The Škocjan Caves are a creepy and dangerous place, where many horrors and crimes have occurred. I have always been skeptical about the supernatural and the paranormal, but I also have a duty and a hobby to investigate them. I run a popular blog and podcast, where I share my findings and experiences with my followers. I am always on the lookout for new cases and evidence of paranormal and supernatural activities in Slovenia. I am particularly drawn to the haunted places and stories, such as the Predjama Castle, where the ghost of the rebel knight Erazem of Predjama is said to roam, and the former prison in Ljubljana, where many prisoners died or were executed. I think that there is nothing divine or mystical in the caves, but only human evil and madness. Or maybe there is something else, something worse and more terrifying. Whatever it is, I think we have a job and a thrill to find out."

Guru Ananda, the Hindu spiritual teacher, chuckled. He was the middle-aged in the group, and the most peaceful. He had a serene and harmonious aura, and a profound wisdom and insight. He said:

"I respect all of your opinions and perspectives, but I have a different one. The Škocjan Caves are a natural and spiritual place, where many energies and forces have flowed. I have always been fascinated by the mystical and spiritual aspects of Slovenia, such as the King Matjaž legend, which tells of a sleeping king who will awaken and restore justice to the world, and the Vintgar Gorge, which I consider a sacred place of power and energy. I am a master of yoga and meditation, and I teach my students how to achieve inner peace and harmony. I also love nature and adventure, and I often travel around Slovenia, exploring its natural wonders and beauty. I think that there is something in the caves that is connected to the source of all life and creation, something that is beyond good and evil, light and dark, human and divine. Or maybe there is something else, something more subtle and profound. Whatever it is, I think we have a journey and a lesson to find out."

The five members of Paranormal House looked at each other again, with a mix of respect, curiosity, and anticipation. They knew that they had different views and motives, but they also had a common goal and a bond. They had to make a decision.

They decided to accept the invitation. They packed their bags and equipment, and headed to the Škocjan Caves. They did not know what they would find there, or what would happen to them. But they were ready to face the unknown, and to discover the secrets of the caves. They were the Ljubljana branch of Paranormal House, and they were about to embark on their most exciting and dangerous adventure yet.

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