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The man in the bed stares at me. The room is white. The bed is white. The cleanest white I have ever seen. It scares me, but my target is the small boy on the bed. His chocolate brown eyes staring up into my tired and exhausted ones. A tear drops as I see him in his sick and perplexed state. He looks at me even more confused."Riele?", I can almost hear the real Jace. But then I feel his strong embrace and his mouth on my hair. He says some comforting words into my curls. Then he moves to my ear, "I am here for you, Riele, but you got to promise me you will always be my side too, I lost you once already, I don't want that to happen again." I pull back after a trillion seconds and look up at him, "When did you let me go? Where do you know me?" He looks at me and pretends that I heard wrong.

I am in bed now; I feel good because of the cold shower I just took. The water washed me clean of all my troubles and sins for a minute. My mother used to be a strong catholic. She taught me how to pray and how to cleanse myself of my dirty sins. My filthy sins. My foul sins. She used to make me fast for 20 days because she said I was defiled and stained with my sins. I could never hold out for days, so I made sure to eat outside of home every time I got the chance. My mother once caught me and started hitting me saying that I was above God's forgiveness. She was jailed for child abuse and neglect.

She was taken to a mental hospital, and she was diagnosed as bipolar and later the doctors said she had developed Dementia. She is dead to me now, I guess. She doesn't even remember me. I almost laugh out to myself at how weak I have become, at how my life is messed up like this. 

Then I hear it again whimpering. I sneak out of the hellishly dark room and look at Jace's door. Its coming from there. Then I hear panting, whizzing. The sound of his heavy sniffling, the sound of his harsh panting and the sound of his bed squeaking almost in pain. It all scares me. I can almost see his tears and it pains me. Jace, what is your secret?

What are you hiding, Jace? Why are you like this? 

Why do you make my heart ache for you?

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