CHAPTER 15: Capitol, part 2

Start from the beginning

Johanna laughs: You want to have another Hunger Games with the Capitol's children.

Peeta: You are joking.

Coin shakes her head: I am not.

Haymitch: Is this Plutarch's idea?

Coin: It was mine. It balances the need for revenge with the least loss of human life. You may cast your votes.

Peeta: No, this is crazy.

Johanna: I vote yes, let them pay.

Peeta looks at Johanna surprised: Johanna!

Johanna: They killed plenty of our own and laughed about it, let them pay.

Marta: No, if we do that we are like them.

Finnick: Marta's right, I vote no.

Enobaria: I vote yes, let them have a taste of it.

Peeta: This way of thinking is what started this uprisings.

Annie and Sybille: I abstain.

Mags: No.

Effie: I vote no.

Beetee: No, we need to stop viewing each other as enemies.

Coin: I vote yes. Now it's in the hands of Katniss and Haymitch.

Katniss: I get to kill Snow.

Coin: I expected no less of you.

Katniss: I vote yes then, for Prim.

Haymitch: I am with the mockingjay.

Coin: It's official, it is approved. I will announce the votes anonymously but it will be revealed that the victors decided on this matter.

Marta: I join Katniss, for Wiress and Jonathan.

Coin nods: Fine.


Marta and Katniss walk towards Snow ready to kill him.

Coin: Welcome to the new Panem. Today on the avenue of the tributes we will watch more than a mere spectacle. We are gathering to watch a moment of justice. The tributes of justice will fire a shot for us to end this once and for all.

Finnick, Peeta, Haymitch stand behind them.

Coin: Mockingjay and Marta may your aim be as true as your heart is pure.

Katniss looks at Snow and aims at him. Marta prepares her trident too. However, Katniss' arrow is directed to Coin at the last moment. Only Marta's trident impacts on Snow.

The people rush to Snow to finish him. Katniss is escorted away by Gale.

Finnick hurries to help Marta off the stage. She is in shock.


Haymitch walks in: You never disappoint. Plutarch gave me a letter for you.

Katniss: I don't want it.

Haymitch: I will read it for you. Katniss, the country was shocked tonight by your arrow but once again I was not. You are exactly how I believe you are. I wish I could give you a proper goodbye but with Snow and Coin dead the fate of the country will be decided tonight. Because of that I can't be seen at your side. Tonight the 12 district leaders will call for a free election. There is no doubt that Paylor is becoming the voice of reason. I am sorry so much burden fell on you, I know you will never escape it. But if I had to put you through it again for this outcome I would. The war is over now is the period where everyone agrees not to repeat the mistakes of the past. We will see how long it lasts but I hope this time we learn. When the time's right commander Paylor will pardon you. Plutarch.

Katniss: What now?

Haymitch: We go home.

Effie waits for them outside: I want to say goodbye, now you will leave the life of a victor. Take care, guys.

Haymitch: Don't be a stranger.

Effie nods and waves them goodbye.

Haymitch and Katniss board the train to go back to district 12.


Finnick and Marta were in a room contemplating what to do.

Marta: Should we visit Katniss?

Finnick: We can but she needs time.

Marta: What do we do now?

Finnick takes her hand: We live our life.

Marta looks at him: We go back home?

Finnick nods with a small smile: We do.

Marta hugs him, reality sinks in. They are finally free.

Johanna and Peeta walk in: We don't mean to interrupt.

Marta pulls away and wipes a tear: Come on in.

Johanna and Peeta walk over and hug them: We are free.

Finnick: What is next for you guys?

Johanna: We decided that we don't want to go back to our districts of origin.

Marta: What will you do then?

Peeta smiles: We are moving to district 4 to start a new life.

Marta smiles and hugs them: Yes, we are going to be together all the time.

Finnick joins the hug: We are happy to have you there.

Johanna breaks the hug: What will you two do about Katniss?

Finnick: We will give her some time for herself before we visit her. What about you?

Peeta: I talked to her one of the nights Boggs and I had guard duty with her. We cleared the air. We might visit her some day.

Marta nods: That's good. Before we go home I need to pay a visit to someone.

Finnick nods: Go ahead.

Marta squeezes his hand and walks away.

Johanna: Who will she visit?

Finnick: Beetee.

Johanna nods: I see.

Marta walks to Beetee's room, she knocks and he lets her in.

Beetee is surprised to see her: Marta, what are you doing here?

Marta sits down in front of him: I am here to apologize. Back in the arena I blamed you for Wiress' death. It was unfair and uncalled for. I am so sorry.

Beetee smiles softly: I knew you didn't mean that, it was the pain speaking.

Marta: Still, I hurt you. You loved Wiress a lot.

Beetee nods: I always will love her, she is in my heart, so is she in yours. I hope we can be friends from now on.

Marta nods and wipes a tear: You will always have a home in district 4. Where will you go?

Beetee: I will go to district 2 to help Paylor's cause.

Marta nods: Visit us from time to time.

Beetee: I will.

They hug and Marta returns to Finnick.


Marta comes back and wipes a tear: I am ready to go home now.

Finnick smiles softly and takes her hand: Let's go. Annie, Sybille and Mags are on the train waiting for us.

Marta nods and hold onto his hand tighter. Johanna and Peeta walk beside them hand in hand to the station. 

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