CHAPTER 16: District 4

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Marta and Johanna were in the kitchen of the Odair's house baking when Finnick and Peeta returned from the shops.

Finnick: We have mail, it's from Beetee.

Marta cleans her hands on a dish towel: Read it to us, please.

Finnick, Marta, Johanna and Peeta sit down on the kitchen table.

You will be happy to hear that Katniss' mother has been training new medical professionals in the Capitol. Gale has been promoted to captain in district 2 to help keep order and security. I am loving every moment of preparing new electronic devices back in district 3.

I hope that all of you are finding some peace.

I will visit you soon,



Katniss and Haymitch watch from her house how Paylor is invested as commander of Panem.


Marta and Finnick were at the beach enjoying the sun.

Marta: I have a surprise for you, darling.

Finnick looks at her: What is it?

Marta smiles: I am pregnant.

Finnick smiles and hugs her: Thank you, thank you. How far along are you?

Marta smiles: I am three months pregnant.

Finnick: Our baby was with us in the rebellion?

Marta chuckles: Babies.

Finnick's eyebrows raise: Two!?

Marta nods: The doctor confirmed it today, I wanted to be sure I was pregnant before I told you.

Finnick hugs her and kisses her: It's the best gift ever.

Johanna and Peeta walk over to them: What's got you so excited?

Marta smiles at them: I am pregnant.

Finnick smiles: With twins.

Johanna smiles and hugs her: I am pregnant too.

Marta smiles: Congratulations.

Peeta and Finnick hug and congratulate each other too.

Johanna: I hope you guys come to our court wedding.

Marta nods: Of course, when is it?

Peeta smiles: In two hours.

Marta gets up: Johanna, we need to get you ready, hurry.


Johanna and Peeta were married and they left on a honeymoon to district 7. Marta and Finnick stayed back to prepare their house for the babies. They would also surprise Johanna and Peeta with gifts when they return.


Finnick went to the station to pick up Johanna and Peeta. Marta prepared lunch for the four of them.

Marta hugs Johanna when she comes in: Good to see you Mrs.Mellark.

Johanna laughs: Good to see you Mrs. Odair.

Finnick and Peeta smile: We are lucky man.

Marta hugs Peeta: Good to see you, let's eat guys.

The four of them eat and catch up. Then, Peeta and Johanna go back to their house. Johanna thanks them for the surprise through text.


Marta, Finnick, Johanna and Peeta boarded the train to visit Haymitch and Katniss in district 12. They had sent a letter previously informing of everything that happened after they left the Capitol so it's not a surprise.

Katniss hugs them: It's good to see you.

Marta hugs her: How have you been?

Katniss: I could be better but I am hanging in there.

Finnick hugs her: Can we do anything to help?

Katniss shakes her head: No but thanks for offering.

They had lunch together before they left to visit Beetee. 

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