Chapter 17 - Death of the Doctor

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Author’s note: This episode is from the Sarah Jane Adventures. I hope you all like it. I just had to add it. And this the last chapter of this book. The next book is Never let me go.


Maddie on a alien planet, the Doctor was just replaced by a kid. “Doctor? Doctor!” The kid shouted.

“Oh, don't shout.” Maddie called. “The Doctor will be back.”

“Who are you?” The kid asked.

Maddie looked at him. “I'm Maddie Turner and you are?”

“I'm Clyde.” Clyde replied.

“Nice to meet you Clyde.” Maddie comment happily.

Then Clyde noticed a device. “Sounds like a countdown.” Then he vanished.

Maddie blinked. “Oh, dear.”

Just then the Doctor appeared. “Come on, come on.” He jiggled the device. Then he disappeared again.

Clyde appeared. “No, no, no! Don't slow down. Take me back.”

“This is amusing.” Maddie hummed.

Then Clyde disappeared again as then the Doctor appeared with two older women. “No, no, no, no. Let's get you working properly. Stop.” The device smoked.

“Oh, for gods sake, Doctor.” Maddie exclaimed. Then she walked over to him.

“Where are we?” The woman asked with brown hair. Then she looked at Maddie.

“I’m Maddie Turner and who are you?” Maddie asked. 

“Sarah Jane Smith.” Sarah Jane replied to her.

“The Wasteland of the Crimson Heart. Planet Earth's that way. Bit of a long walk.” The Doctor added. “Sonic, please.”

Then the other woman looked at Maddie. “I’m Jo Grant.” Maddie smiled at her as then Jo looked around her. “It's so many years since I was on another planet.”

“Me too.” Sarah Jane smiled.


The Doctor and Sarah Jane were working on the device. “There, and there.” The Doctor told her.

“Did it hurt?” Sarah Jane looked worried. “I mean, the regeneration. That last body of yours, was he okay in the end?”

“It always hurts.” The Doctor replied to her as then he pointed on the device. “And there.”

Maddie shuddered at the thought about change. “I don’t need think about it yet.”

Sarah Jane looked at her. “Are you like him?”

“Sort of. I’m half human and half Time Lord.” Maddie replied.

“And who are you to him?” Sarah Jane asked as she looked at them.

“His soulmate in human term.” Maddie replied to her.

Then the Doctor looked up. “She’s right. Time Lord term is Time mates.”

Sarah Kane looked at them. “So how did you two end up in this place?”

“The Shansheeth lured me and Maddie.” The Doctor replied as he rambled a little. “A mighty old battlefield, just begging to be explored. Because we are travelling with Amy now. And Rory. They got married. I dropped them off at a honeymoon planet, which isn't what you'd think. It's not a planet for a honeymoon, it's a planet on a honeymoon. It married an asteroid. Then they nicked the Tardis. The Shansheeth, not Amy and er. Fortunately, I had all this wreckage to build a space swapping doo-dah thingummy wotsit.”

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