NAME, Age, Species.

80 2 12

Quick Note: You'll be needed a number generator for this! (link in comments) <3

Species?: 1-4

--- 1. You are a human!

--- 2. It's your choice!

--- 3. You're a soul!

--- 4. You're an animatronic!

Animal(for robot): 1-13

1. Any Canines (fox, wolf, dog, etc.)

2. Any feline (cat, tiger, lion, etc.)

3. Any birds (ravens, eagles, cranes, etc.)

4. Any sea creature, not fish (Dolphins, turtle, sea horses etc.)

5. Fish (cod, bass, salmon, etc.)

6. Repitles (Crocodile, lizards, Chamileons, etc.)

7. Mythical Creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, etc.)

8. Rodants (Mouse, Squirrel, Rabbit, etc.)

9. Humanoid (Still has robot features but looks more human)

10. Puppet/doll.

11. Mythical Humans (Witch, Mermaids, faries, etc.)

12. Farm animals (Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep etc.)

13. Your choice!

Age: 1-7

1. 4-10 years old.

2. 11-15 years old.

3. 20-34 years old.

4. 35-41 years old.

5. 42+

6. 16-19 years old.

7. your choice.

--- Your character's name must have the same first letter as the animal/creature chosen much like the originals: Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie The Bunny, Chica The Chicken etc. For human's and Souls you can just choose the name.

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