Chapter 1

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'Fuck' i groaned as i smashed my alarm clock off my bed side table.
I rolled over slightly to get a better look at the damage i had just caused to just end up making the mess 10 times worse by completely landing on top of
it. A stabbing pain striking my head.
'Urrrgghh' I let out another loud groan, feeling the cut on my temple throb. I got up way to fast and the dizziness hit me.
'god i need to start taking vitamin tablets' i groaned,which was a little to loud so if i hadn't already id definitely have woken my brother who's room happens to be so conveniently close to mine.

i heard my door slam against my perfectly grey walls, i turned to look at the grumpy figure before me. And indeed i had woken mick up.
'What the hell were you doing its 9 in the morning, i have the worst hangover ever and so should yohe way you were blacked out last night' he complained
Thats when it hit me, shit, i cant remember anything from last night.
'Urm yeah, so what actually happened last night? All i can remember doing is showing estie my new tattoo'
i was being honest that was the last thing i could remember.
'ella!'he rolled his eyes at me, 'you have been practically unemployed for 2 weeks and you haven't done anything but party, your room looks like a bombs gone off'!'
Yeah. He was telling the truth i couldn't quite comprehend the fact i had accidentally over preformed which somehow lead to me jobless, either.
'Urgggghh leave me alone atleast i got fired for being to fast you got dropped for being to slow,imagine' i laughed at his stupid face as he stared at me, faking offence.
To he fair to him, i was being a little harsh but i had a point.
The Micheal Schumacher had 2 children, twins to his luck one of them had to be fast.
'I hate you' he complained.
i get that a-lot.
'Well i hate you more go away' i stared him down. 'Well' i thought 'thats one way to get rid of your annoying brother.'

I steadily stepped down each step carefully, my body was pretty stiff after last night ,i don't think id danced so much before. And god i hate to say it but my brother throws the best parties plus he invites like tons of famous people.
After tackling the staircase i made my way to the kitchen. i walked through the doorway of the kitchen just as i got knocked over by a huge force.
'Fucking hell mick your always in my way' as a hand reached out to pick me back up i realized that it was in fact not mick.
'are you alright?' fuck he had such a nice voice it rang through my ears like music.
'yea sorry,' i had to pause for a minute to examine this man. His hair sat perfectly above his thick eyebrows, his eyes sparkled in the sunlight that poured out through the windows and he was shirtless.shit did i not mention that. He had a body like a god like i think Im fan girling. Fuck am i fangirling?i think he caught me looking. A smirk started to grow on his face.
'sorry who are you?'
i mean i had to ask. He is in my house, what if he's a kidnapper, well i wouldn't mind getting kidnapped by him but...

'You don't know who i am? Im in your house' he started to laugh, i just stood there awkwardly like some mannequin.Staring at him just a little longer than before until he realized i want joking. I had no idea who this man was.
'Well who are you? I'm joking your micheala right?' I nodded in agreement 'yea i think our dads are pretty good friends but i never see you round, mick says you work alot'
he was right in a way i did work alot until the whole people know who you are now so you wont be able to work as the stig on the show . 'Um yeah i did until i got basically fired for driving to quick' he looked at me in amusement.
He looked interested, so i continued,
'yea so now I'm jobless but this man asked me if i could do some driving for him in a couple weeks. Chris? Christian shit i forgot his last name. OH. Christian Horner that was him.'
He looked at me in disbelief, oh no I definitely said something wrong.
' did i say something wrong?'
He started to laugh again, i got a little nervous. ' wait so you're taking checos seat next season?' Now i was confused
'whose checo?'
His eyes grew bigger in annoyance 'you're a Schumacher and you don't watch f1'

not this again...

Well no i didn't, my father always pushed my brother during his karting days whilst i would just do the occasional race that i had begged to do but girls in motorsports wasn't a thing 15 years ago. Yes there had been a few women drivers but they were not recognized as well as the men were so for that reason and my dad i never got into f1 in-fact i avoided it. I wanted to be the opposite of mick, not a Schumacher. 

'no, no i don't watch f1 actually' now i couldn't tell whether he was in shock or about to laugh.

'You do realize that christian Horner is the f1 team principal for the current best team on the f1 grid and you said driving in a couple of weeks? Where exactly?'
I looked up at him we were still stood in my kitchen doorway.
'Bahrain i think he said. Yeah it was, he was going to come here and pick me up,take me to the airport eccetera'
His jaw dropped to the floor before he started to smile, his lips perfectly curving upwards and his perfect teeth on show
'i think you need to start looking up f1 rules and regulations, by the sounds of it your about to be the first f1 driver to not move through the ranks of f2 and f3 before making it on the grid and not only that your a girl.'
'WHAT' i nearly fell over again, this time his hand wrapped around my waist.
'Good luck with that one micky I'll see you in Bahrain' and he left his hand brushing my waist line as he gracefully walked past me. His voice playing back in my ears. Micky.No one calls me that. I like it. I couldn't believe what he had just said,
About the f1 thing.Maybe he was telling the truth. Despite not being a huge fan of f1 i wasnt going to blow the chance on driving around all day for millions of pounds. I want every single dress, mini skirt and crop top that exists. Don't judge me. You'd be the same

But fuck mystery kitchen man looked like a prince.

-author note
Ok that was the fist chapter I'm sorry if its a bit bad but my english isn't very good as my first language is Italian, and this is my first book so 🤞🏽🙏the rest goes well.
What are you guys doing 45 days till Bahrain personally I'm crying.
anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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