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Ashton's pov
The day was flying by and before I knew it, it was lunch. Calum and I were walking to lunch together. I had talked to Lea about eating with them and she, surprisingly, said yes. Lea joined me and Calum when we were walking to lunch. We saw Luke and Michael with one of the twins. We noticed Hunter, Cory, and Al looking at us. Cory and Al were confused while Hunter was just plain pissed.

We sat down after getting food, Calum said to get the salad so we did. When we sat down I noticed Luke only had an apple, which he was slowly eating. Soon, the other girls joined us.

"Oh look! Someone finally got Lea to join us. And Luke, is this the boy you were telling me about? Ashton right?" Penelope greeted.

"Yep that's me." I said.

"I'm glad you two will be joining us."

They are definitely not as bad as Hunter described, a little ditzy but nothing more.

We spent lunch talking, laughing, and enjoying ourselves, except Luke who seemed uncomfortable.

"You okay, Luke?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, just gonna run to the bathroom." He replied, hastily getting up and rushing off.

Lunch soon ended and I went to my next class, which was art. I quickly sat down and Mr. Williams began teaching soon after. 5 minutes into class, the door opened revealing a panting Luke.

"Sorry I'm late, sir. It won't happen again." Luke rushed.

"Stop yapping and take your seat, Hemmings." Mr. Williams snapped before going back to rambling about rules.

    Luke looked slightly paler but it was probably the lights.

The whole rest of the day went quickly and I had my last class with all the P.E.R.F.S.

When the bell signalling that the last class was over rang, we all walked out together. Girls stared and scoffed, boys stared and smirked. This would take some getting used to.
A/n: THIS WAS SHIT IM SORRY. But I'm now going to allow you all to stalk me on social media:

TWITTER: @guessinglashton

INSTAGRAM: @lh_ch_mc_ai_5sos



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