You Win or You Die

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As she normally would, Sannah went on her daily walk when she came to a halt near the courtyard. Ned Stark was talking with her mother, something that probably wasn't a good sign. She hid behind a column so neither of them would be able to see her. 

"Has he done this before?"

"Jaime would've killed him."

Sannah guessed this was in reference to Robert striking Cersei. 

"My brother is worth a thousand of your friend."

"Your brother?" Ned Stark said, "Or your lover?"

Those five words sent chills down her spine. Ned was able to figure it out, and now someone other than her daughter was able to confront her with it. Someone who would have the guts to tell the king. 

Sannah expected her mother to deny it as she did to her, or change the subject, but she did neither.

"Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for three hundred years to keep bloodlines pure," Cersei said, "Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We shared a womb, came into this world together, we belong together."

She couldn't believe it: There it was. The truth had finally come out.

"My son saw you with him," Ned said, and Sannah knew he was referring to Bran. Cersei didn't deny it either.

"Do you love your children, Lord Stark?" 

"With all my heart."

"No more than I love mine."

"And they're all Jaime's," Ned said, "Except for Sannah. She's the only one that looks like Robert."

Cersei laughed, "And the only one that has his attitude. In the rare event that Robert leaves his whores for long enough to stumble drunkenly into my bed, I finish him off in other ways. In the morning, he doesn't remember."

"You've always hated him," Ned said, "And hated that poor girl."

"Don't you dare question my love for Sannah," Cersei said.

Sannah was shocked that her mother defended her. She thought she'd admit her hate for her as she did in her relationship with Jaime. 

"And I worshipped him," Cersei continued, "Every girl in the seven kingdoms dreamed of him but it was mine by oath. And when I finally saw him on our wedding day in the Sept of Baelor, lean and fierce and black-bearded, it was the happiest day of my life. And that night he crawled on top of me stinking of wine and did what he did what little he could do, and he whispered in my ear, Lyanna. Your sister was a corpse and I was a living girl and he loved her more than me."

Lyanna Stark. The reason why Robert hated the Targaryens so much. Rhaegar Targaryen raped and slaughtered the woman he was to be wed to, and the only woman he ever truly loved.

"When the king returns from his hunt, I'll tell him the truth," Ned said, "You must be gone by then. You and your three children. I'll figure out what to do with Sannah, but I'll ensure her safety."

Sannah's eyes widened as she made a quick exit. As she walked down the hall, she ran into Petyr Baelish, a man whom she neither liked nor trusted. 

"Going somewhere?"

She didn't respond to his question and headed to her chambers, where she started having a panic attack.


She turned around and saw Tommen at the doorway, and she rushed toward him, hugging him with all her strength.

Sannah wasn't worried about her mother or Joffrey, or even herself for that matter. She was worried about little Tommen and Myrcella. She didn't want them to lose their heads. They were blameless children, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing them. 

The Doe and the Wolf- Jon SnowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant