"Dada, bhere all be? Bhere ish mama?" Guggie asked, fixing his questioning bambi eyes on his father.

Jungkook fake smiled, bending down to Guggie's level.

"It's our special time together, just us father and son. Mama goes with us everywhere, but today I thought it would be fun for just you and me," he explained, making a fist towards Guggie.

Guggie's face lit up with excitement, and he bumped his tiny fist with his dada. He was thrilled to spend time with his dada.

The Alpha smiled and put a cap on Guggie's head to keep him warm, making him look like an adorable baby snowman.

They had arrived in another kingdom, belonging to the Alpha's best friend, Kim Mingyu. This was the place where Guggie was supposed to complete his training.

The Alpha wasn't sure how to talk to his little son about this or how to make him understand. He knew that Guggie was closer to Taehyung and used to be a little afraid of him. Guggie was more open in front of the omega compared to the Alpha. So, the Alpha was confused about whether he would be able to make Guggie understand or not.

Right now, they were enjoying Guggie's favorite ice cream. Jungkook chuckled, wiping the ice cream from Guggie's mouth.

"Jumm, it'shh dood thwat mama ishn't here, otherwishh, he bould eat my ichh cleam too," Guggie said, giggling.

Jungkook smiled, feeling a pang of pain, and replied playfully,

"Your mama loves ice cream very much, doesn't he?"

"Yesh, but jou shcold him and dwon't let him ewat another, sho I gibe him mine becaushh I can't shee my mama shad. He ish sho cute bhen he pwouts," Guggie said, giggling.

"He is," the Alpha agreed, smiling from ear to ear.

"Untel gibe one fol my mama no no two." He said showing his three tiny fingers to the man.

"We are far away from home I will buy for him on the way." Jungkook replied pulling him away it was getting difficult for him now to control his tears.

"Otay leshh goo I mishh mama." Guggie said holding his dada's hand.

"D-don't you wanna go on rides?"

Guggie shooked his head.

"Mama only." He said in tiny his eyes pleading as he was desperate to go back to his mother's warm embrace.

Jungkook sighed it was getting too much difficult for him. Just then someone patted his shoulder. He turned to the person a satisfying smile crept on his face when he spotted his bestfriend Kim Mingyu standing infront of him.

They both hugged eachother guggie looked at them with bambi eyes that's when his eyes fall on a woman standing beside mingyu who was looking down at him more like glaring which made the little soul tremble and he hugged his dada's leg tightly hidding behind him.

Ofcourse jungkook failed to notice.

"Hi Jungkook." That woman greeted smiling warmly at him.

"Hello Irene, nice to meet you." Jungkook greeted her back.

"Look who is here, baba will you not meet your uncle?" Mingyu asked bending down to guggie's level who was still hidding behind his dada being afraid of irene.

"Jeon Taegukk."

Guggie looked up at his dada he knew his dada take his full name only when he gets angry in him.

So he slowly left his leg and walked up to Mingyu with tiny steps who lifted him up in his embrace with pure love and kissed his fluffy bread cheeks.

"He is just like you." Mingyu chuckled.

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