~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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"I found one of these. now I don't have to worry about running to the toilet WHEN OUR FUCKING ANNOYING CHILD IS KICKING MY BLADDER AND MAKING ME NEED A PISS EVERY FIVE FUCKING MINUTES" she says and raises her voice so their child inside her can hear her. she sees Lando almost immediately start laughing as he sees her. "Fuck off" she adds. "I'm sorry, it's just... unexpected" he says while trying to hold back tears from laughing. Madi is standing in front of the bed in an adult nappy. She can't be arsed to deal with the constant toilet trips so she's settling for this. She rolls her eyes and walks over to the chair and tries to relax but the chair is still uncomfortable "IM GONNA FUCKING THROW THIS FUCKING CHAIR IN A MINUTE" she says while trying to hold back tears. "Why don't you try lying down on the bed? It might be more comfortable for you" he says. "I don't wanna be an inconvenience to you though.... you're in pain..." she says. "It's not an inconvenience, really. I'm here to support you, remember? Plus, the bed might help with the discomfort from the chair. Just give it a try" he says. She slowly gets on the bed and cuddles up with Lando & Leo. "you sure this isn't hurting you?" she asks. "No, it's not hurting me. This is actually quite... comforting. You're warm and soft" he says. She almost immediately feels relaxed when Lando starts rubbing her back "baby... don't push yourself to do things for me if it hurts... you've just been in a burning car... I'm pretty sure I can deal with a bit of back pain that I've had for months" she says. "I couldn't help it, really. You looked so uncomfortable and I wanted to help. Besides, it's not like I'm pushing you into anything" he says. "but I feel like I'm pushing you to look after me when you're in a worse state than me... I feel just so selfish. I'm 25 and I've already been pregnant once before yet you're still helping me when you've been in a massive crash" she says. "Don't worry about it. I'm here for you, no matter what. And honestly, I want to help. It makes me happy to see you smile and know that I can make your day a little easier" He continues to massage her back, trying to ease her tension which eventually sends her to sleep. She only wakes up a few times in the night due to the baby kicking but she falls back to sleep after until around 7am when the baby starts aggressively kicking her.

"Leo wasn't this fucking hyper... if this baby keeps kicking I swear to fucking god. I'm gonna have to change this adult fucking nappy in a minute because this baby isn't gonna stop kicking on my bladder" she says while starting to sit up. "Well, we've got a little kickboxer on our hands here" he says. She moves his hand on her bump so he can feel the baby's constant kicking "do you see what I mean when I say this baby won't stop kicking?" she says. "Yeah, I see what you mean. You're definitely going to have to change your nappy soon" he says with a small laugh as she starts to get up and go change it. She comes back out with a new one and Lando can't hold in his laughter. "fuck off. Would you rather I piss myself all over the bed?" she says. "Sorry, I couldn't help it. You look so cute trying to hide that big belly under a nappy" He winks at her playfully, trying not to laugh too hard. "this big belly is gonna be the death of me" she says while holding her back and sitting back on the bed "with the state I'm in you would think that we're in the hospital for me instead of you" she says. She feels Lando cuddle her from behind. They both look to the side and see Leo still sleeping "wish I could sleep like that" she says while stroking Leo's head. "Yeah, he looks so peaceful" he says. She lays down next to Leo and strokes his head a few times before kissing it "baby... Leo... we've gotta go see your baby brother or sister" she says to Leo while trying to wake him up so they can go for the ultrasound "he's such a deep sleeper" she adds. "Yeah. But it was a blessing in disguise when he was a baby. He hardly ever woke us up in the night" he says. "Yeah, he was" she says before taking a deep breath. "Ready to go see our baby on the ultrasound?" she asks. "Ready as I'll ever be" he says

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