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"I am sure they sended you to murder me? To fight me? Whatever, I will just beat you up and send your head back on a spi-..."

"Whoah now! I never said anything about that, although a fight does seem tempting" Childe said and walks past Scaramouche into the home as he would sit down on the couch kicking his feet up on the table "I saw you and I was just curious what you have been up to and why you are in Liyue. I saw you walk with Kazuha. Are you two a couple?" He grins wiggling his brows to tease the other.

The playful attitude of the red head makes Scara want to vomit especially at that comment. He clearly seems to have disgust written all over his face and doesn't know why Childe thinks like this "ew...no...we aren't even friends" he rolls his eyes and sits opposite of Childe but he remains tense enough to jump into action when he has too.
His eyes follow Childe his every movement as he makes sure the other couldn't grab anything sharp or something of the sorts.

The harbinger would look at Scara as well. Up and down and then back at his face seeing how much he changed except for one thing "you still wear that stupid hat-"

"You still have that stupid face"


"You still have that stupid shawl little cape thing that does nothing good for you. Grey is not your color still have that hideous hair and this overly saturated eyes. Stupid absolutely stupid in everything including your brain"

"..." this surely is one thing Childe didn't miss about scaramouche. He would stand up and walk over to him to place a hand on the other his shoulder who grabs his hand and twists all his fingers in all kinds of ways having to hide the pain he is feeling. He does so with a smile on his face and continuing to speak with what he had wanted to say. "Relax...non of the harbingers will kill you. All of them think you are dead according to Dottore yet seeing you now I guarantee you to not say a word."
Prying his hand free he would walk to the front door reaches for the door know "you two would make a cute co-.." getting a pillow thrown at him from the couch he swiftly leaves so the pillow would hit the door.

Scaramouche watches the pillow he had thrown collide with the door as the casing explodes almost, the feathers fly everywhere and he lets out a deep annoyed sigh. "A couple? Tsk..."


As the next day would come around, the sun is high up in the sky, scaramouche would leave the house with semi-wet hair due to his shower. He would walk to the city and walk trough the streets of them that still are bustling even this early in the morning.
Looking at all the things being sold for lantern Rite he sees where he could buy lanterns to make a wish yet he fully walks past it to explore another shop.
Once he arrives at the food stalls and his nose fills with all kinds of aromas he stands still for a moment. He does not really know what to do, what to expect from anything. "All these smells...it reminds me of home at Sume- HOME?! I have no home..."
Scaramouche annoyed with his own mind decides to wander off and stand on a bridge resting his arms on the wooden railing looking out over the harbor.
Completely lost in thought, his mind being a chaotic mess right now, he is overwhelmed with everything in the moment an with it; he wanted to grab his head and pull at his hair another familiar person joins his side.

It is not Kazuha but the captain of the ship.
Captain Beidou.
She leans on the railing as well and looks at where Scaramouche is looking.
"Kid...you seem to have a lot on your mind. Are you alright?"

"Who cares how I feel..."

"I do...Kazuha does. He couldn't sleep last night because of how worried he is. He might still be awake somewhere on a Cliffside thinking about if you are doing alright"

A roaring storm from within [Kazuha x Scara (trans)]Where stories live. Discover now