chapter one

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  "Hey y/n!" Luke waved to me from the School entrance.

"Hey Lukey Poo :3!" I ran towards him, not looking where I was going. THUMP Oh my! I just bumped into someone! I wonder who it is?

"Watch where you're going." A deep voice boomed, could it be coming from the heavens? I looked up, and a tall boy stood before me. He looked like he was in a rush, but he had dark hair that fell over his wire-frame glasses and his lips were pursed.

"I'm so sorry! Maybe there is some way I can make it up to you?" He glared at me, his eyes glowed blue.

"Yeah, Sure." He sped off, without letting me ask his name. Luke walked up to me, after watching me bump into some poor, handsome guy.

"That guy, do you know his name?" I fiddled with my hair and Luke sighed, "That's Nathaniel. He is in my math class. I was actually going to ask you, do you want to go to their concert with me? I hear he's in a band. It's really popular." Luke waved a ticket in front of my face. Once I finally caught the ticket by jumping up at him, I realized it's for a show I'm performing next week. I secretly perform opening songs for concerts. Just me and my triangle. I can't have anybody find out about it, otherwise they will make fun of me. I'm already unpopular as it is. Being friends with Luke is the only good thing I have right now. He's so cool. "He (Nathaniel) is really handsome." I blushed and tugged on Luke's shirt. We started walking, but Luke never said anything to me about what I said about Nathaniel.

Y/N and Positively NegativeWhere stories live. Discover now