Side Story: Donadrond's Observation

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The subjugation was never supposed to go this way...

All we needed to do was kill Goblins before they stampede but the goblins came first.

Alessa nearly fell in the absence of our greatest warriors who were off in the Demon Wolf's Garden. If it wasn't for one specific warrior, we would be nothing more than goblin food.

Fran was by far a powerhouse compared to even the B-Ranks of Alessa. I trained a fair few in my time, many of whom became great B-Rank and C-Rank warriors of Alessa. None of them came close to the sheer raw talent Fran possessed.

She unleashed talents that spanned all classes and beat them out entirely.

Fran displayed the talent of a Swordsman as she sliced apart hordes of goblins. She displayed the talent of a mage as she launched spells without end against said hordes. She showed off her talents as a support as we struggled against hordes of goblins approaching us from all angles. Soon enough, she displayed the talents of a scout and a thief as she showed off her detection skills and her stealth skills once we had reached and entered the dungeon.

She was beyond multi-talented, she was a fearsome warrior that could play any role she was given without fail. The only thing I could potentially see her failing is a simple role like creating art, dancing, or cooking. She was the perfect adventurer in short...

I wasn't confident in her ability to cooperate with others however seeing as she rushed into combat without thinking.

At least I thought until I witnessed her plans.

Shutting the entrance of the dungeon to prevent goblins from flowing out, collapsing part of a dungeon to destroy the majority of the goblins force, Charging up her mana to unleash a gigantic spell to single out the summoner of the beatles, and finally... her battle with that damn demon.

Who knew a Greater Demon would appear in a Goblin Dungeon... no one anticipated it.

We all stood there in fear even as I tried to put on a brave front but... I could tell that demon was going to try and toy with us. He immediately tried to torment us with the death of a comrade but Fran denied that strike and got him to safety along with the majority of the others. All that was left was me, Elevent, and her. Up against this demon.

We could have left at any given moment but we stayed behind to support. Although I severely doubted she needed any. She clashed with that demon multiple times and anticipated each and every strike that demon unleashed.

The demon even unleashed a rare skill, one that robs the target of their talents... yet that Skill had zero effect on Fran. I was not sure why it didn't affect her at first, I had thought perhaps the Skill failed to work because Fran was immune to it.

Regardless of what I was thinking at the time, Fran unleashed a weird power from her blade. I had heard from Nell about the item box in Fran's blade and thought it was a weird Skill for a blade. It wasn't until I saw her blade store away the demon's blade that I realized it's offensive application.

That demon and Fran fought fiercely, even when Fran lost an arm, she simply grew it back with a potion and continued fighting. Even I wasn't capable of doing such a feat... We watched in sheer shock at the clash between two titans of power before finally Fran halted her strike and launched her sword. There was a mysterious aura as to what she was attempting to do. The demon wrongly guessed...

Fran teleported to her blade as if she had Space-Time magic. She plunged straight down towards the demon and collided against it. Still, the demon resisted her and I had thought this battle was truly going to continue on forever.

It wasn't until a rather mysterious feminine voice washed across the battle that Fran truly unleashed hell against the demon. The voice was infuriated at the demon...

Against what I thought, the demon did take Fran's Sword Mastery. I'm not sure how she continued to fight but it was stolen nonetheless. Fran's final strike had been supercharged by an absurd amount of mana that presumably came straight from her master. Before long, the demon stood no damn chance.

A hole wide enough for me to fit through was made through the demon's chest.

Soon enough, Fran simply killed the Dungeon Master and pumped her fist into the air, declaring victory against the dungeon.

Yet here we were, standing idly by as we watched the entire battle go down.

As much as I wanted to discipline her for fighting the demon solo, she had saved and focused the lives of her comrades. Keeping the battle as a battle between her and the demon, keeping us safe as she beat it valiantly.

The only problem now was...

That final strike of hers obliterated the crystal, there was no crystal left. Still, it was a small price to pay to defeat the demon.

For that, I couldn't be any more thankful that she focused on saving her comrades than some material gain...

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