Chapter 13: Core of the Goblin Empire

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[Warn Donadrond.]


Fran quickly rushed over towards Donadrond with the news.

"Goblins are preparing an assault?!"


"The Scouts and Thieves have not reported any moves! How are you so certain?!"

Fran didn't really answer but just looked at Donadrond with a determined look. It was almost as if she was saying that she instinctively knew. That wasn't at all true since it was just Great Sage amplifying my senses to see beyond what anyone else could but still.

"Prepare yourselves! Get in position!"

The camp immediately went into lockdown as the adventurers including the scouts and thieves that were out on patrol came back quickly. It seemed like they had all taken Donadrond at his word but then goblins not attacking were making things really difficult for Fran.

"Fran... are you certain."


Fran's composure was breaking. Even if no one else could see the goblins, they were definitely there in the dark. The only problem was figuring out how to get them to come... out?

A single goblin came out of the forest and began running away like a sort of coward. Although...

Analytical Appraisal showed a bit of stuff about this goblin in particular.

Name: Goblin Actor

Race: Demon; Fiend

LV: 6/99

HP: 27; MP: 12; Strength: 9; Vitality: 12; Agility: 14; Intelligence: 13; Magic: 4; Dexterity: 9

Skills: Acting 3; Provocation 2; Stick Mastery 2

Titles: Slave of the Evil God

Details: An evil born of a fragment of the Evil God, who was defeated 100,000 years ago. He fights for an Evil Empire and an Evil Mage that must be destroyed at all costs. Threat Level: G.

Crystal Location: Heart

Those cheeky bastards...

(Nn. Want to kill it.)

[Stop Fran!]

Fran was almost about to leap over there to kill it but there was something horrendously off about this goblin. He was quite literally acting pathetic while at the same time trying to provoke others into attacking them. In every sense, this guy was trying to lead whoever was dumb enough into-

"Someone kill that stupid goblin!"

"I'll do it!"

"Talk about a false alarm..."

A trap!

[Stone Bullet!]

I immediately cast a spell to simply murder the goblin to avoid anyone from going out there just to slay it.

Everyone looked over at Fran with confusion before a rather large rumbling took place.

[The goblins, they're approaching...]

If the trap doesn't work, then they'll go with the next best thing. A Mass Assault...


(Nn! Battle-)

[No. Take a look at everyone else.]

Unlike before where Donadrond had hopped off the wall to enter the thick of battle, he was keeping an eye on the surrounding camp and the meager walls set in place. The goblins are searching for a weak point around the camp and we would need to fill in that gap.

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