Chapter 13

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Giyu Tomioka

Kanae and Kanao gathered all the necessities in eagerness, while I felt like I should care more about my house flooding. I really didn't.

Kanao Kocho

I really want Shinobu and Giyu to get married. They act hilarious around each other. Also, Giyu's a rich brother-in-law, or so I've heard.

Okay, and I want a nice brother in law, not some ass like Shinazugawa. I'm not that shallow. Or I am. Sue me.

Giyu Tomioka

Why are the Kocho sisters like this?

I'm...just...Giyu Tomioka...?

Shinobu Kocho

I have no clue either Giyu.

Kanao Kocho

Alright, so Kanae and I went to Target because it's Target and bought a bunch of stuff. While we were there though, some old dude came up to us. I think it's the one bar owner? I've never been to the bar cuz I'm underaged, so I have no idea.

"Kanae! How's it been?" The old man said. Behind him were two other people I don't know.

"Urokodaki!" Kanae exclaimed. "Alright, I suppose-Kanao! Meet Tanjiro and Nezuko!"

Which I'm guessing is the redhead and the other girl with the pink Komodo.

"Hi! My name is Tanjiro and this is Nezuko!" One of them shouted. I already know. He needs an off button.

"I'm Kanao."

So why are there butterflies in my stomach?

Shinobu Kocho

You know what's even more awkward than sitting on the couch three inches away from your mentor and possible crush?

Nothing. There is nothing more awkward.

"Sooo...what are we doing?" I asked, trying not to sound stupid. (Note to self: shut the hell up. When you say that you usually say something even more stupid.) 

"I'm your mentor. We're going to get some exercise in. Just because you now are my technical landlord doesn't mean I'm letting you off easy." Giyu said, getting up slowly. He grumbled something about his knees and I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Old man.

Hot old man.

Quickly, I got up and followed him out, where he somehow attached a zip line to my apartment balcony and to the tree at the bottom of a five story building. One. When did he have the time to do that? Two. Why would he have the time to do that? Three. I hate zip lines.

"N-no. No fucking way am I going down there." I said hurriedly. Backing up slowly, I felt the trauma kick in.

"You got no choice. Hey, I thought you majored in flying and aircraft."

"Yea, but I didn't major in zip lining!" I yelped. He looked at me slowly.

"Do you have trauma from it?" He asked. Spot on buddy.

"Yes! My dad built a zip line when I was three and I went on it and I fell into a tree but I was stuck in the tree and I was stuck for hours!" I snapped, and he laughed. Irritatedly, I glared at him, and he smirked.

"Oh well, you're too big to get stuck in a tree-"

"This happened last year. Besides, I'm 4'11, 5 foot in the records. Do you really think a tree can't trap me?" I shrieked, and he laughed harder. Ughhhhhhhhhh... 

"When did you get out?" He asked, still holding in laughter.

"Um...a few hours later cuz my dad forgot my sister was out with her friends and my mom was out of town. Also, it was a very tall tree. I can't jump out! What, you think I'm a butterfly or something?" I grumbled. He grinned. "You might as well be a butterfly."

"Oh man, I didn't know that could happen to you." He muttered, still chuckling. Half embarrassed, half smirking, I grabbed something to fidget with so it didn't look like a was mesmerized by his face.

"Shinobu, you know that's my cup of water, right?" Giyu said as a grabbed the nearest thing around me. 

Oopsies. I already took a sip. I slowly looked at the cup and put it down.

"Oh well," I muttered, shrugging it off as Giyu looked at me dumbfounded. "It's just some spit."

"Just...some...spit huh." He muttered.

"Hey, if you want I can get you another glass-" I muttered, getting up to grab another cup.

"No! It's fine!" He shrieked and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be foolish. We got plenty of mugs and whatnot. Besides, I can easily wash the dishes. I'm not that incapable. I can wash a cup that's only been filled with water."

"No!" He shrieked, more desperately this time, grabbing my arm. "Don't. Go. Into. The. Cabinet."

"Why? It's my house." I asked, crossing my arms in annoyance. Fine, even if I do like him a little bit, when was he the rule maker in my house?"

"I said, please. I command you as your mentor!" He asked in complete desperation.

"Fine. Only this time." I grumbled. Dammit, good looking people always get what they want.

Suddenly, the cabinet creaking. Ah screw it. What the hell's inside?

"Is that...a puppy?"

Giyu Tomioka

"Please don't kick that damn thing out." I begged desperately, getting on my hands and knees. She'll definitely not kick the dog out now, right?

"Nah, what-" Shinobu's shrieked as the dog jumped up and down. She leaned back, clearly afraid.

"H-how long has this thing been in my cabinet?" She whispered. "And why is it in my cabinet?"

"It's Shinazugawa's dog." I muttered. And I just got it this morning." I scratched the back of my neck, hoping she wouldn't question further.

"Why? Why is it in my cabinet?" She repeated, scrambling away.

"I-I lost a bet with that damn weasel. Now I have to look after it while that dude goes somewhere for rehabilitation training." I muttered.

" can't stay here!" She shrieked.

"Chill, I'll leave it in my room, and you don't have to see it. How 'bout that?" I asked.

"No! No! I'd rather-"

Suddenly, Shinobu's phone rang. I quickly sprinted over, thankful for a distraction. As I picked up, I saw the number was Shinazugawa's. Oh crap.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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