Chapter 1

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Giyu Tomioka

The graduation day meant many things. The start of a new life, the end of many friendships, or the unexpressed joy I felt when I got to make that piece of shitty school into my history.

Grabbing my things, I was more than ready to move into the apartment complex all spies lived in. Soon, I'd be one of them. 

We were forced to stand in line while all the secretaries worked on entering us into the database from student to a field of spy. It was tiring, since my last name was at the back half of the alphabet.

"Giyu Tomioka." The secretary called, and I stepped towards the old, pink shirt lady.

After being filed in as a new spy, I was given an apartment key, a chip required to be on at all times, and a warning as to pretending to be a normal person and whatnot. I grabbed the keys and ran out of our ass-school as fast as I could.

I was ready for the life of a spy.


1. Don't get emotionally involved with anyone.


Opening the apartment doors, I was ready to step into freedom from the school. I didn't despise the school, I was just over it already. I sighed as I set everything down where it needed to be. Nothing extraordinary with this apartment. Everything was perfect and tidy. That was the call. If our inspectors can't see anything wrong with our apartment, then we're cleared. I called in for the inspection, passed (per usual), and continued to tidy up.

All new spies had a mandatory requirement to do a test mission to see what the spy's skill level was. I wondered what mine would be. After all, I graduated top in my class.

I watched my computer screen, wondering when I would receive my first mission. I went out to get some groceries and returned. Still no mission. I started to cook some food. Still no mission. The sky was darkening, and maybe I wouldn't get a mission in the beginning.

The computer screen beeped once. I immediately turned off the stove and looked at the screen.

Return to HQ. Mission request.

The instant I saw those words, I grabbed my things and headed right out of the apartment.

(They don't give you a request. If they tell you to do a mission, then you do the mission.)


"You wanted to see me, Andromeda?" I asked coolly, standing in front of her. Andromeda stopped typing and looked at me stiffly. I clenched the suitcase filled with whatnot info. It was pointless, holding such a trivial thing just because of stereotypes, but who am I to say anything?

"Office 125. Kayaga's room." She said, pausing before returning to her work. I immediately went into the halls, finding room 125 easily. I watched as Chief Kayaga walked slowly to his desk, looking at me. He slowly eased into his chair and pulled out a binder. My heart quickened.

I would show the world what I was made for. My first mission. Crossing my fingers, I watched the Chief pulling out papers slowly. All I could hope for was this wasn't a stupid mission.

"Ah, Agent Tomioka, my child. Your profile has many things to be gloated about. You exceed at almost every sport. However, there is one sport the academy never teaches. It's teamwork." He stared at me and my heart sank.

I do not want to spend my first fucking mission with some dude I didn't know. Especially with teamwork values.

I could already tell that my mission was going to be stupid.

"So, your first mission is to teach Kocho, who's in her second year of spy academy. She's an extremely talented, like you, but a...brash student." Chief Kayaga said. He smiled at me.

"That will be all."

I was normally the kind of person to just walk away and fume about it, but this couldn't be just passed along like some gossip. This was beyond stupid. I slammed my fist into the table, and Chief Kayaga looked at me as if he was expecting this from me.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, TRAINING AN OFFICER?! I CAME TO THE KIMETSU CORPS TO BE A APY, NOT A BABYSITTER!" I yelled. Chief Kayaga held up his hand and I sat down in the chair I didn't realize was there, anger bubbling worse than ever.

"Peace, my Child. If you want to be a spy, you must complete this mission, otherwise, you might as well quit right now." His voice was calm and peaceful, but his eyes portrayed that he was not joking.

"So...who is this Kocho?" I said sullenly.

"Me." A short, purple tipped haired girl walked out.

Except she didn't walk out.

She was climbing on a bookcase, from ten feet the in the air. It was the first time I noticed the toes and walls above me. Glancing up, I looked back at my trainee.

"Careful-" I stared to say but she jumped from eight feet in the air and landed perfectly fine.

"Careful? Bah, I've heard that too many times in my life." She muttered, patting off a bit of dust. "Geez Chief. You really need to dust off your bookshelves. An estimate of maybe two years of no dusting? Oh yeah! You were still on the field that time, before your lazy ass was stuck on that chair." Chief Kayaga looked like he was having a migraine.

So this was why he wanted me to train her. Because he wanted to get rid of her to save his ass.

"Come on." I said, but she beat me to the door.

"I won't accept any trainers who are slower than me, you know that, right?" Kocho asked Chief, rolling her eyes. Then she sprinted off, leaving me to run after her.

My patience was at a zero now. The hell was she so annoying? How did she even manage to stay for so long?

I raced out the building, where Kocho was running a bunch of stop signs and crowds were already watching her.

I caught up to her and pinned her down, using cuffs to make sure she wouldn't escape.

"Aw crap, how did you catch up to me? It doesn't matter anyways. I'm making your life a living hell." Kocho said loudly as I grabbed her, ignoring the stares we were getting. I mean, common sight every day. A man cuffing a girl and dragging her along.

"Hey! I want that butterfly pin!" Kocho yelled, jerking out of my grasp. I snatched her arm, pulling her back.

"I'm telling you, I'm making your life a living hell. Don't you dare even think about disobeying me. I want you to listen to me, or else I'm taking you off the team. You got that?!" I snarled, although making it look like I was just having a fair minded conversation with her.

"Got it sir. Oh right, I'm telling you, I've had scarier officers than you. So don't worry, I'm tougher than you think." She snapped back.

This girl was some piece of work.

"Why the fuck are you even in the Kimetsu Corps anyway?" I asked. She clearly didn't take her job seriously.

"Oooh. Trying to get to know me? That tactic isn't going to work." Kocho said, tossing her hair back. I handed her her butterfly pin and she put it in her hair neatly and used her phone to check her reflection.

I hate this so much already.

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