Ghastly Ghost Town

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"Boy, are we ever lost." said Fred. "I think we took the wrong turn about ten miles back." said
Ace. "And you couldn't have been bothered to say anything back then!?" asked Gene in annoyance. "Hey, look! I just saw a mirage!" said Shaggy. "At night?" asked Fred.
"Yeah. An alligator. See that!?" asked Shaggy.
"Alligators? In this area? You sure you aren't seeing things?" asked Peter. "R-r-r-r-r-railigator!?" asked Scooby. "A camel! And an orangutan!" said Shaggy. "You were expecting maybe King Kong?" asked Velma. "This is really weird." said Daphne. "I'll say. What are animals like that doing all the way out here?" asked Peter. "Monster?" asked Scooby jumping onto Cleo's lap starling her. "Scooby, WHAT is the matter with you now!?" asked Cleo. "Relax Scooby, it's probably one of those tourist destinations in this area. Nothing to worry about." said Ace. "Rou sure?" asked Scooby. "Positive." said Ace making Scooby sigh with relief. "Hey Celestial, are THOSE normally on tourist destinations?" asked Gene pointing out the window. "A giant bat!" cried Fred. "Look out it's coming at us!"said Daphne. "Some tourist attraction!" said Cleo holding onto Gene as Fred swerved the Mystery Machine out of the way. "Is everyone alright?" asked Fred after they crashed into a sand dune. "Yeah, but you outta see that sand dune." said Velma.

"Can't get any traction." said Fred trying to free the Mystery Machine from the sand dune. "We better get outta here before that king sized bat comes back." said Shaggy holding onto Scooby.
"What if we tried pushing the Mystery Machine out?" offered Ace. "No way. We're in too deep." said Fred.

"There should be some help down the road." said Fred as they walked along the dusty road.
"M-m-m-m-m-m-MONSTER!" said Scooby covering his head with his paws. "Stop being so silly, Scooby. There's nothing to be afraid of." said Velma. "Oh no? Then WHAT prey tell do you call THAT!?" asked Cleo pointing up near a cliff side where a T-rex was standing. "Maybe there IS something to be afraid of!" said Velma as Scooby buried himself under the sand.
"Relp!" yelled Scooby popping his head out of the sand to see he was right next to an alligator.
"Rator rator!" said Scooby frantically. "You mean alligator?" asked Velma. "Like I said, it's a mirage." said Shaggy as an orangutan landed right next to him. "Rook, rook, rook!" cried Scooby pointing to some nearby rocks. "Ghosts!" cried Velma. "Boy, are they clumsy." said Fred.
"That's all we need now, three clumsy ghosts." said Shaggy as the 'ghosts' chased after the orangutan. "You can say that again." said Peter. "I hate to break it to you guys but I don't think they're ghosts." said Paul.
"Yeah. Now that I look at them, aren't those the Three Stooges?" asked Gene. "Looks more like the four stooges!" said Shaggy. "Agreed." said Cleo crossing her arms as Curly and Larry rode on the orangutan's back trying to put a collar on it. "Hey aren't you Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe?" asked Fred once the orangutan was caught. "We could use a bit of help." said Paul. "A psychiatrist can tell you that." said Moe crossing his arms. "What did you just say to my friend!?" asked Cleo angrily as Shaggy and Scooby held her back. "Down, Cleo, down!" said Shaggy.
"Our van is stuck in the sand." said Fred. "We'll help you out. Soon as we get all the animals back into Ghost Town. Come on along." said Moe.
"Animals? Ghost Town? OK, now I'm confused." said Beast King. "It's definitely NOT a mirage. Cleo, like cool it will you!?" asked Shaggy as his friends eyes and fits lit up.

"Three Stooges Ghost Town. Huh, kinda looks like an amusement park if you ask me." said Ace placing his hands on his hips. "Mine ride. Hm. Should be fun." said Velma. "That's Danny the dromedary. Iggy the iguana. Gentle Gertrude, wouldn't harm a piranha. And Ngogi.
You've already met him formally." said Moe.
"Kids just love those animals." "But one thing, how they get loose every night?" asked Larry.
"Surely they don't get let themselves out." said Cleo crossing her arms. "Now she calms down!" said Shaggy grabbing the side of his head. "I smell a bat." said Velma. "Then you've seen it. It goes by twice every night." said Moe. "It drives us crazy!" said Curly holding onto Larry.

"We bought this place two months ago and were doing fine until all these things started to happen." said Moe. "You mean the escaping animals and giant bats?" asked Paul. "And that loud mouthed dinosaur?" asked Daphne.
"That's Tyrone." said Curly. "Short for Tyroneosaurus rex." said Larry making Cleo facepalm. "Uh, I think you mean
Tyrannosaurus." said Gene. "Who Tyrone?
Tyrone is just a plastic model. He was part of the kids playground until all the weirdies around here began to happen." said Moe. "THAT does not sound like a plastic toy if you ask me!" said Cleo as the building violently shook. "You got that right!" said Gene hiding under one of the tables with Cleo. "The Sheriff made us shut the place down. Said the place was too dangerous." said Moe. "I wonder why." said Peter avoiding fallen debris from the ceiling. "If we don't solve the mystery, we'll be out of business." said Moe.
"That bat I smelled as got to be a rat." said Velma. "Sounds like it's time we went on a bit of a bat hunt." said Paul. "Uh guys, I think we've got company." said Peter. "Who's he, Moe?" asked Fred. "That's Rhino. He works for us. He's OK. He's our caretaker." said Moe.
'Charming caretaker...' thought Cleo sarcastically. Cleo stood there and rolled her eyes as the Three Stooges argued over who was supposedly going to fire Rhino from what she understood from the conversation. "Cleo, I think those guys are going to need a bit of a hand." said Ace as Curly kept passing out every time Rhino started growling. "Gladly." said Cleo throwing her hair over her shoulder and walking over to the three men. "Oh boy, now look what happened. You got Cleo involved!" said Shaggy.
"That dame? Doesn't look like she could hurt anyone." said Larry. "Want a bet?" said Velma as Cleo grabbed a table and smacked Rhino right in the face with it sending him backwards and OUT the door. "And stay out unless you have something proper to say to others instead of acting like an animal!" yelled Cleo. "On second thought, has she ever considered wrestling?" asked Larry while Gene covered his mouth.

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