Chapter 49: Brutality

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Hunter flashed him an ugly grin and thumped the glass with his finger where Eren was, making her fall back. Millie yelped at the sound and huddled up even more. "I don't need to justify myself to any of you. You're all just dumb humans!" he sneered derisively, his hot breath fogging the surface. He flopped down on the couch in the living room, put his feet up on the coffee table, and set the jar in his lap. "Your lovely giant friends will probably never be able to find you. And if they do, I'll make them pay dearly. They can watch you all get eaten alive before I kill them myself!" He giggled, tapping his nails on the side of the jar and making the humans inside flinch at the loud sound. He loved this feeling of power. Finally, he was in control.

"You're unhinged," Eren remarked.

"Watch your tongue, little lady. You DO NOT want to make me angry," Hunter retorted with a sinister frown. Before he could say anything more, a key jiggled in the lock in the front door. Hunter set the jar aside, his expression serious. He hid himself in the shadowy entryway to the kitchen, where he couldn't be seen by the homeowners as they came in. In an impulsive move, he grabbed a big butcher knife from the kitchen.

Hunter didn't need to worry about finding a weapon, because at his current height of 270 feet he could easily overpower the busty blonde giantess that stood at a modest 210 feet as she strolled in with her human husband. He observed the pair for a moment with interest. They had no idea there was an intruder in their house and were chatting happily with each other, something about doctors. They were both wearing white uniforms like hospital workers. As the giantess strolled into Hunter's range of vision, he couldn't help but ogle her. She was smoking hot, with curves in all the right places. To imagine someone like her with a human lover made Hunter irrationally angry. He gripped the knife handle tighter in his fist and gritted his teeth. Both the knife blade and Hunter's eyes gleamed when they caught the light, but this detail went unnoticed by his oblivious prey.

Eren covered her mouth in horror as she recognized the distinctive couple from her stay at the hospital several years ago. She started banging on the glass walls of the jar and shouting to warn them. "Nurse Rajak! Dr. Rajak! Watch out!" Pedro and Millie joined in, making additional noise. The nurse heard their squeaky exclamations, puzzled, and hurried over to see what the ruckus was.

"What the heck is this?" she asked when she saw the little people frantically gesticulating in the jar. The doctor looked just as baffled. Hunter realized that now was the time to make his grand appearance and crept out of the shadows, approaching the couple from behind. He stuck the knife in his belt, since he figured he wouldn't need it. Millie shrieked with fright at the sight of the ominous silhouette with glowing eyes towering over the giantess.

"Behind you!" Eren screamed and pointed. Her warning, however, came too late. Hunter smashed his fist into the side of the nurse's head, knocking her onto the floor. The doctor went flying out of her hands, landing on the couch. Hunter snatched up the doctor before he could run and straddled the giantess with his legs, pinning her to the carpet with her arms under his knees. He grabbed a fistful of her golden hair and pulled on it to force her head down. She squealed in pain and flailed her legs, but she didn't have the strength or mass to resist the huge giant on top of her.

"Get off of her!" Dr. Rajak shouted vehemently, clawing and biting at Hunter's fingers. Hunter sniggered as he brought the little man up to his face to get a closer look at him.

"Look at you, being such a big man," Hunter sneered, making sure to show off his large teeth. He licked his lips in an exaggerated show of hunger.

Dr. Rajak was a bold man and remained undeterred. As a human doctor working with giants, he'd been inside enough stomachs to not fear being eaten. "Let go of her, or else," he threatened.

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