ch. 2

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3rd person

In the morning Vince wakes up first wondering how he got home, his head throbbing. He turns around to see Rody next to him, still sleeping. 'WTF how- why is Rody sleeping with me in my bed, especially after last night' Vince thinks as Rody sits up, half asleep as he stretches. As Rody slowly wakes up he notices that Vince is awake," Oh... Your awake" Rody says."Yeah, um... Why are you in my bed? " Vincent replied looking confused "O-oh um-well I just because -"
"It's fine, " Vincent said sounding annoyed yet calm "I'm not mad... " Roddy was surprised "Y-your not? " he said. "No-...... " Vincent cut himself off and looked down at his clothes, while slightly blushing "Um are you ok? " rody looked curious and nervous "Did you change me, and are you wearing my hoodie.... " 'shit shit shit shit shit! He's going to kill me' rody thought, till he said "It's fine... Just don't do it again " "O-ok" Rody said in surprise "I'm going to the bathroom," Rody said "ok its-" Vincent was cut off "It's ok Vincent I know where it is," Rody said with a smile as he got up "why aren't you wearing pants!?!? " vincent announced looking flustered, "OH- sorry none of your pants fit me" rody said looking embarrassed as he walked out of the room. As he entered the bathroom he looked in, the mirror to see a girl... Manon! She had black sunken eyes and cuts everywhere with a mysterious black liquid out of her mouth. Rody felt her eyes burning a hole through his head, "she just stared as he started to cry. He couldn't look at her anymore and he punched the mirror as millions of glass shards hit the floor vincent ran into the bathroom "WTF HAPPENED-....... "Rody stayed silent while looking at his bleeding fist. "What did you do!? " Vincent said sounding worried yet mad. "I am sorry Vincent," Rody says as he cries harder yet silently "It's fine," Vincent says as he grabs the first aid kit. He starts bandaging his hand "Why did you punch it" Vincent asks "Well, Vincent I'm sorry I just-" Rody starts to mumble out "Call me Vince, and I don't care about the mirror, I just want to know why you punched it" Vince says in a yelling whisper "well.... I saw manon. "

Y'all I will post 1-2 chapters a week or try to lol

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