chapter one(Friends banded together again)

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What Amy is wearing

Amy:First of all this is not sonic merch I just had a blue hoodie on that I wanted to wear you know try something different

Shadow Tilts his head to the side and shrugs

Shadow:So I should probably return the sonic Chao right?


Shadow:Welp Hey rose can I borrow your hammer for old time sakes?

Amy:of course

Shadow gets on it and grabs the sonic Chao and then returns it to Amy

Shadow:So tell the fox I said sorry for his Plane and tell Sonic he's still a faker for me see ya two around

Shadow Chaos controlled out

Sliver:Anyway Amy what's changed since we were eight?

Amy:A lot has changed

All of Amy friends and even eggman looked shocked

Eggman: that's a surprise  where'd shadow go?

Sonic Grabs Sally and eggman flys away

Rouge:Pinkie you know shadow?

Amy:Yes it's a long story but now I got to check on cream and tails

Amy checks on cream and Tails and they were alright and Tails plane was only a little damaged so they all flew home and Sally was complaining that she got injured even though there wasn't a scratch on her

Cream was eating some snacks while cheese was asleep

Sliver and Amy were talking about how there's life have been

Cream:Mrs Amy I have a question

Amy:Yes cream?

Cream:How did you and Mr Sliver and Mr Shadow meet and how'd you guys Become friends?

Amy:Ummm that would be better explaining if shadow was also here to tell the story

Shadow then appears

Sonic:Speak of a faker and then he appears

Shadow:Shut up

Sliver: How'd you get here?

Shadow:I heard you guys talking about me

Amy:Well cream wanted to know how we met and became friends

Blaze: I'd also want to know

Sliver: Alright everyone sit down and get comfortable because we are about to tell you guys the tale of three Hedgehogs shadow you start

Shadow:I remember I was running from the authorities

Shadow Pov

I was running from the police because he was going to get experimented on and checked out by scientist

But he was pulled into a empty store and into the changing room

Shadow:Who are you?

Sliver : I'm sliver the hedgehog nice to meet ya

Shadow: I'm shadow but that doesn't explain anything how'd you get here?

Sliver:Ummm I remember getting separated from my friend blaze and then there was a bright light and then I  ended up here

Shadow:How old are you?


Shadow: I'm nine years old

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