As I looked over at him, he quickly placed something in my hands. 

"I brought an extra pair.  You look cold." Draco gave me a smile this time. 

He seemed like he was being genuine. 

Like he really wasn't trying to cause any trouble.  

"Thank you, Draco." I smiled back in return, "Cedric, Luna and I, were going to go get some Butterbeer after this.  You're welcome to join... if you wanted to."

"Alright." Draco nodded, as he smiled at the ground. 

I looked over at Luna, who had the 'I told you so', look written all over he face.  

Maybe my luck was finally starting to turn around! 

First Fleur returned, then Victor was second. 

That left Harry and Cedric left in the game. 

It felt like ages before Harry and Cedric finally appeared back, with the tournament cup. 

Everyone in the crowd was standing and cheering, as the hogwarts band played. 

Harry was hunched over the top of Cedric, who laid face up on the ground. 

I looked over at Draco.  

Draco's facial expression dropped instantly, as he took a step backwards. 

Something wasn't right.  

I could feel my heart began beating at a mile a minute. 

A cold sweat covered my entire body, as I looked back at Cedric and Harry. 

Dumbledore ran over to them, and the band had instantly stopped playing. 

Harry's sobs filled the air. 

Cedric laid still, as his eyes stared directly up into the air. 

Cedric wasn't moving. 

Cedric's eyes dent blink. 

Cedric was dead. 

"That's my son!" Cedric's father cried out, as he pushed through the crowd to get to him. 

No, not Cedric!

Not my best friend. 

"That's my son! That's my boy!" His father fell to his knees at the side of Cedric's lifeless body. 

I pushed through the crowd of stunned, sobbing students. 

I pushed past the professors that tried to hold me back, and I ran to him. 

I fell to my knees as Cedric's side. 

I gripped his hand tightly with mine. 

"Please! Please, just wake up!" I begged, as I began to bawl.  

His skin was already cold. 

"Please, Cedric!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping his ghost would hear my cries and come running back. 

"I can't do this with out you!" I begged. 

I was sobbing uncontrollably now. 

Professor Moody had to pull Harry off of Cedric, while professor McGonagall pulled me off of him. 

The two of us were dragged away. 

"Calm down, my dear!" Professor McGonagall told me, as she gripped me tightly. 

I was much stronger than her. 

When my mood changes, so does my strength, and the force of my powers seems to grow. 

I broke away from her, and ran.  

I ran and ran, I don't remember most of it. 

I didn't really know what was going on.  

All I know is, I ended up sitting against a tree in the forbidden forest. 

I was still sobbing and out of breath. 

That still body back there wasn't Cedric. 

It was someone else. 

It couldn't be Cedric. 

Well with my sobbing, I hadn't realized I wasn't the only one in the forbidden forest.  

My guard was down, and I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. 

I looked up to see I was surrounded by dark figures. 

I couldn't make out who they were, or what they were. 

By the time I stood up, it was already to late.

I was quickly attacked. 

The last thing I remember was a sharp stabbing pain in the top of my left shoulder. 

"Stop!" I heard someone yell, and an arrow went flying through the air. 

My eyes rolled back into my head, and everything went dark. 

Mr. Daddy's Money - Draco Malfoy/Fred Weasley/OCWhere stories live. Discover now