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As Seraphina followed Rosie's instructions to proceed to Gecko Island, she was still riding her elder white dragon and soaring over the waves of the ocean. Her dragon had just brought her a letter from her cousin, who currently resides in her modest house in Syrup Village, moments after she had told Axe-hand Morgan she was quitting.

Kaya had invited Rosie to her home, hoping to see the pink-haired archer friend to celebrate their birthday together.

"We have to stay on a low profile,
the Marine Vice Admiral must of arrived at Shell Town and heard about the map being stolen..."

The dragon didn't make a sound but the flapping of its wings, still above the ocean waves. "... Axe-man Morgan must of told him, I'd parted ways too."

Rosie without realizing starts picking on her lips, perhaps the Vice Admiral must be after her thinking she went rogue. The ex-captain couldn't be smart enough to piece the puzzle together, right?

Sure, she might of lead the thieves to the office that had a safe hidden underneath his desk (literally) which contains the map of the grand line. She also might of told the pirate hunter the number combination, he might as well had forgotten it by now.

Who knows?

She doesn't have to deal with them anytime soon. Seraphina landed on the port and extended her wing for Rosie to get down. She went to stroke her dragon's face, letting out a purring sound. Similar to a cat, but much louder and more like a growl, often mistaken for aggression but Seraphina would crave for it. She loves being praised for the smallest things.

Rosie gives Seraphina an order to leave before the citizen of Gecko Island notice her. She didn't want Seraphina to be around unfamiliar people because they would be a threat to her.

The other half, wrong type of people would see her as a head trophy. The only way to cut off her head was to get through to Rosie first.

Rosie watches as Seraphina flies away into the horizon, a bell ringing heard,  followed by yelling "PIRATES! PIRATES ARE HERE!"

'What is the reason for his actions each time I visit?' Rosie thoughts, she follows the voice, leading to a simplistic houses. There stood her friend shouting to few citizens to hide as pirates came to their island.

Russet-brown complexion, short black hair worn in dreadlocks, and a slender, muscular frame. Soon as she's going to walk closer to him, the male turns around and spotted the girl.

His expression change from distress to enthusiast, immediately ran towards to girl with open arms, hugging her. Thrilled to see his friend, it's been long since they have spoken or seen each other in over two years. "So glad to you again but right now it's not a good time,"

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