| Chapter 7 |

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,,What a fucking bitch.."

I said to myself locking the bathroom door. I turned the lights on and looked at myself in the mirror.

I only got my pretty face..
Asshole, he even looks good with fucking bruises on his face. I look like an idiot..

I slowly traced the red and blue marks on my face.

I better text Jay about this..

Talking to myself was always a way to relief any from of annoyance or anger. It helped me calm down. I decided to send Jay a photo of my fucked up face and texted him the story short.

He called me and I picked up.
Before I could say a word..


I don't have much time Jay..

"What?? What are you talking about? Get your ass away from him and stay at my place!"

I wish I could..but my stuff is at our new apartment, I can't leave Mom and Dad and then come back

"At least meet up with me and stay away from him??"

Can't do that either.. if either one of us wants to leave...we need to take the other one with us

"Just go out together, do your own shit and go home together?! It ain't that hard!"

Oh and you really think the wouldn't just tell my parents? He's an asshole

"Okay and why do you have no time to talk?"

Well, I'm only allowed to the leave the room today if I want food, or need to use the bathroom..so I'll have to go back to the room

"Damn Bro..sounds like you're fucking 17.."

If I wanna stay with my parents for a bit and want my studies to get paid, I need to fucking do what they say

"Good point. Hey if you need anything let me know yeah?"

I will, thank you

"By the way..did Chan text you back?"

Not yet. Wonder what he's up to..

"Beats me. We'll text okay?

Yeah, see ya dude

I hung up and sighed.
But I couldn't get a second of quiet piece, cause I heard a loud bang on the door.

Hurry up Freak!

I groaned in annoyance and unlocked the door immediately. Looking him up and down with a disgusting look. I walked past him, bumping into his shoulder. Back in the room I decided to get changed.

Pov. Minho

Prick. Next time I'll push him if he bumps into me again. I closed the door and did my business.

While washing my hands I looked at myself. Gosh, I was surprised I didn't bleed or anything. I wouldn't be surprised to find a bruise on my stomach later.

I didn't think we both get punished when I told them Jisung hit me. I assumed they would just go back into their apartment, or at least kick Jisung out.

Didn't think that through twice..

I waited a few seconds before unlocking the door. Well, the bathroom is gonna be my new best friend for the next days. I sighed walking out of the bathroom, back into my room.

I opened the door, just to see Jisungs bare back.

He was wearing sweats and was putting on a white hoodie.

I got a few seconds to see his bare back and surprisingly thin waist. Fucking whore.
I gotta admit tho, his body proportions would be attractive if it wasn't for Jisung.

Fucking whore..

I spat closing the door.
In that exact moment his hoodie was clear covering him, as he turned to look at me.


He raised his eyebrows at me with a cocky look on his face.
As if..

Jealous to look like a whore?

At least my body is nice to look at

He said while eyeing me up and down. I gritted my teeth.

You wouldn't know..

Bet you have a small dick to..

Says he whore..

I said crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Whatever, just shut up..

He said not bothered. He just took his laptop and sat down on the mattress on the floor. At least he's not on my bed. He turned away from me, facing his laptop, putting on headphones.

I jumped onto my bed, looking through my phone. Eventually we had to get downstairs at around 5. Family quality time my ass.

As me an Jisung walked down the stairs, I had the urge to push him, but decided not to. That would get me in trouble.

As we entered the livingroom..

There you boys are

Where is that sweet smile of yours?

Don't forget those hands..

Han and I looked at eachother for a second. He just grabbed my hand and smiled, so I smiled to, facing our parents.

That's more like it!
Sit down, sit down

We walked towards the others and sat down. So we started playing some random board or card games. As eventually they started preparing dinner and we ate.

The whole time we had to keep on smiling and hold hands when we didn't eat or have or turn while playing.
It was honestly ridiculous.

The dinner was quiet, me and Jisung didn't say a think. Our parents tho, they were talking and gossiping like there is no tomorrow.

Jisung finished quickly and immediately got upstairs. So I quickly followed.

When I entered my room, he was already laying on the mattress on the floor. Hood was up, almost hiding all of his face. He didn't seem in the best mood...

Hey Freak

Shut up...

His voice was quiet. No sassy tone, no sounds of being mean or anything. It was kinda surprising.

You should always be this quiet, much nicer

Can you just shut up?!

Now there it was again. The way his voice sounded annoyed. But there was something different to it. I couldn't really make out what it was.

Annoyed already?

Minho please shut up


I looked down at him confused.
No insult and he said please?!
He wasn't looking at me. The room was dark. He was laying on his side, looking straight at the wall.

I was about to annoy him again..

Just let it go for today, I can't do it right now..

I raised an eyebrow at him. His voice sounded odd.

It's not like I care about you..but are you good? Like I don't want you to puke in my room or anything

A shaky sigh left his mouth, followed by a sniff.

I said no...nevermind.. || Minsung ||Where stories live. Discover now