the first date (4)

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Nobodys pov

It had been a couple days since castor and lunar told each other that the fell in love and lunar has decided to take castor on a date!

Castor pov

"Lunar why do I have to wear different clothes?"

"Cus if you show up to a restaurant in a t-shirt they won't take very kindly to you!"
"Cmon I got you, you can wear some of my clothes, just go have a look in the closet over there"
Lunar pointed towards a pair of closets and I opened one
"Uh lunar this just has dresses..?"
"That's my sisters closet mines beside it castor don't worry I'm not gonna make you look like barbie"
"ok" I open the other closet to find a bunch of clothes so I put on some that looked presentable
"You can't wear a hoodie and gray sweat pants to a restaurant"
"Well what can I wear?!"
"... cmere ill help you"

Nobodys pov

Lunar preceeded to spend 10 minutes explaining to castor that he has to wear something not so casual in a restaurant... and why

Castor pov

Me and lunar are heading to the restaurant now and I still don't understand why I have to wear this (castor is in a suit)

Lunar pov

Castor looks really good in a suit...

Nobodys pov

Lunar and castor are now in the restaurant but only them and the staff are there
"Lunar I thought that there would be more people?"
"Monty may or may not have rented out the whole restaurant when I asked him where I should bring you-"
"Don't question it castor"

Lunars pov

I still can't believe he rented the place- but let's ignore that

Nobodys pov

Lunar then brought castor over to one of the tables pulling out his seat for him and they sat down and began to chat

(Time skip cus idk what to do)

After an hour of them talking and enjoying themselves cus they can't eat lunar brought castor out of the restaurant and covered his eyes
"Why am I being made blind lunar?"
"Because I have a surprise for you!"
"I don't like surprises"
"You might like this one!"
Lunar puts a blind fold on castor and brings him to the hill where he first saw castor and pollux where he lay out a picnic blanket and pillows and fluffy blankets for them after they get there he takes off the blind fold
"Open your eyes!"
"Is this that hill where you "met me"?"
"Yup I thought you might like it!!"
"It is quite nice..."
Lunar pulls castor over to the blankets and pillows tucking castor into the blankets and pillows with him
"What are you doing lunar"
"Makeing you comfy!"
"... ok"


Sorry this is so short and took so long I've been quite busy with school it's been a pain

(462 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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