Chapter 3

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The sentence that are in the parentheses (here) are the things that are said in the background

Blair POV

The show was starting and my brothers were starting to go on stage,

(Ladies and Gentleman, here that are)

The first to enter was Spruce,

(The heartthrob)

After him it was Clay's turn

(The fun boy)

I was excited but at the same time very nervous, so I look over to Floyd who gives me a encouraging smile, before going on stage

(The sensitive one)

JD was next, who was very determined to reach the perfect family harmony

(The leader)

My heart was beating very fast, but I couldn't turn back, not now or else I would disappoint my brothers, especially John Dory. Then I remembered what Floyd said to me and I enter on stage.

(And the baby)

My brothers looked very confident, meanwhile I was really scared.

(Give it up for... BroZone)

I was trying to keep up with my brothers, even after all the practice we did it was still hard.

The first to sing was Spruce

♪ Well, there she goes
On the floor, let's do this, no more talking
(No more talkin')

Then he open his jacket and fans started screaming in excitement, some of them even fell.

Floyd was next

♪ Did anybody notice?
The energy just shifted when we dropped in
Ooh, let it drop it ♪

At that point there is Clay

♪ I don't flex, but I might
Groove about to take flight ♪

Then it was JD turn

♪ Cause the night is young and the music's on
And we got love on sight ♪

And then there was the moment that I was expecting with anxiety and excitement, finally came.
It was my turn to sing.

♪ The sky was the limit
Now the star where we livin'
It's the vibe when we're in it
It'll blow your mind ♪

Then I do a wink and I hear fans screaming "Bitty B" .
I'm the only one with an Art name, I was curious why so I asked grandma, she said that was her idea and she didn't want people to call me Blair because I'm just a baby and it wouldn't be fair to me if I couldn't live my life like a normal little girl.

Anyway now it's time for the most important part of the song, the chorus.

♪ It's so perfect, perfect, perfect
A hundred percent
Put us together
You know what you get ♪

Then I see JD say something, I was confused but then Clay arrives and takes me, I didn't know what was happening because at the rehearsal we never talk about this.

♪ Yeah, it's so perfect, perfect, perfect, harmony's so gold ♪

Now we had create a sort of "tower" with JD at the base, Spruce, Floyd and Clay above him and I was on top.

♪ And you'll never, ever wanna let it
-A... ♪

The next thing I know is that we fell, I don't know what happened after that, it all happens to fast.
One moment before my brother were on the ground and a second later they are literally tied up in the air whit lianas.

I was in panic, I was alone, grandma was there and my brothers were literally in the air.
Then I look the crowd who shocked, there was silence for a moment that seemed like an eternity, but then a staff member came on stage
Staff: Ladies and Gentleman, please stand by, we're experiencing... some stuff
Then JD speak
JD: Hey, at least we didn't fall!
But then..
JD: We fell

At that point the medical team rushed on stage to make sure that no one was seriously hurt for me fall.
While they were being visited I run over to Floyd and hugged him and he says "Blair, I'm sorry, this is not how your first show should have been" , I didn't respond, I just hugged him tightly.

Then he picks me up and we go in the backstage...

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