Chapter 9: Broken Bones and Bruises

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i'm gonna start naming my chapters!!! i love these little note things !!
u should SO totally read my diary that i posted on wattpad.
yes, it is my REAL diary, don't worry though- no names or anything but it's just fun and
im just a girl, what did you expect?
anyways i hope you like this chapter!
also sorry that i keep writing in courts perspective so much but shes just too much like me and i dunno how boys think that much ☺️ anyways go read now xx

if this is triggering for you please don't read this! your mental health is more important than a book !!


Courtney Satella

Sunday, 7:34am, My Bedroom
I stretch and yawn as my eyes adjust to the sunlight spilling out my window.

Sundays are study days.

I immediately grab my laptop and start typing up a draft for the debate club.
Today I have cheerleading practice which I'm actually so excited for since I haven't told any of my friends about how the date went.

I won't leave out any details, except the bruises- of course. I wouldn't do that to him.

That's just cruel.

I just wonder what happened? I know I should be studying, but I'm growing more worried by the second. I'm going to text him.

We exchanged a few texts since Friday, but nothing about the bruises.

I really, really hope it's nothing serious.
I have a feeling about what it is, but I don't want it to be true.

He did say his relationship with his parents isn't great...
Let's not jump to conclusions.
Like I said: I don't want it to be true.

I just texted him. I just sent a simple 'Hi' and didn't even have to wait a minute for a response because he already replied with 'hey'.

I think I might invite him over. I have a gut feeling that it is something serious- especially with how defensive he was about it.
I'm calling him now.

He answers on the second ring.

"Hi." I say.
"What's up, Courtney?" Duncan asks, sounding confused as to why I called.
"Do you want to come over? I'm studying and it's boring by myself." I lie.

He would never come if he knew the real reason.

"Sure. I'm not the best study buddy- so we might get distracted if ya know what I mean." I'm 100% sure he's smirking right now.
"Oh, shut up, you ogre. Just come A.S.A.P." I reply and he hangs up.

I'm in my pyjamas and that's not exactly suitable to wear for Duncan of all people to come over.
He lives pretty close to me, so I don't have much time.

I straightened my hair and I put on some jeans and a grey tank top. And of course- some makeup. And obviously I brushed my teeth and-

Let's not get caught up in the unimportant details.

What's important are the bruises, Court.

THE WAY I LOVED YOU: duncan tarun and courtney satella (unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now