Bye Bye Blue Hair

Start from the beginning

"Green beans are my favourite vegetable." Lena says to no one in particular before there is a knock on the door.

"Wait here kids, okay?" Melina says as she walks to the front door. Melina stays alert and is ready to punch the visitor in the face but doesn't make any omves when she realises who it was. 

"Hey, can I pick Y/n up? Janna isn't home yet and I want to make sure Y/n is home." Micheal, your Dad says with his usual grin.

"Sure thing." Melina says and leads Micheal to the kitchen. Micheal has to negotiate hard with you to get you to leave. It takes a solid three minutes but Y/n leaves with a petulant pout. 

"Bye Natty." You say sadly, hugging the taller girl. 

"Bye Y/n." 

It just goes further downhill when Alexei arrives. He greets everyone and asks how their day's been but oddly stays standing up. He gives Melina a look and they leave the room whilst Yelena, oblivious as ever, chats on about everything that happened. 

"Mommy taught me about lamp bugs. And I fell and hurt my knee but it doesn't hurt anymore and we also saw fireflies in the backyard with Y/n. That was my favourite part of the whole day." 

"Yelena, we see fireflies every year." Nat says as she tried to listen on her parents conversation but couldn't. 

When Alexei and Melina finally sit at the table again, Alexei says they're going on a big adventure. 

Natasha's heart drops. Yelena cheers and goes with Alexei but her and Melina stay sat, looking at each other sadly. 

"I'm sorry." Melina whispers and Nat feels betrayed. 

- Time skip - 

Natasha sits in the car, looking out at the red and blue police lights in fear. Nat knows what's happening but Yelena still doesn't know. 

"Where are we going?" Yelena says as she looks out the window. 

"Home." Melina answers sadly. 

"Mommy, you're silly. We just left home." 

When Melina doesn't answer Yelena's words, she stops prying and changes the topic. 

"I want my song." 

Alexei turns it on without a word. Yelena flaps her arms about as she sings happily. 

"Bye, bye, Miss American Pie. Drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry. And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye. Singing, 'This'll be the day that I die. This'll be the day that I die.'" 

When the car stops, Melina ushers the girls into the plane whilst Alexei stays outside, rifle strapped to him. 

Shield sirens cry out loudly and the plane begins to move forward. Alexei shoots at the SHIELD cars and runs, trying to match the speed of the plane. 

Alexei jumps on the wing of the plane and keeps shooting at the cars as the agents in the cars shoot back. Natasha squeals when the window is shattered by two bullets, one missing her and one hitting Melina. 

Melina groans as Nat cries out for her, Melina calls for Natasha. 

"I need you up here." She says, breathing erratic. Natasha climbs to the front of plane and follows Melina's instructions. She needed to make sure Yelena was safe. 

"Mom, you got blood on you." Natasha stutters out worriedly. 

"It's okay baby." 

Natasha's eyes widen as she sees what's in front of her. Two SHIELD cars coming straight at them. 

"Hit the accelerator there. Hold it steady, hold it steady! You're gonna pull back 55 knots. Let's count together." Melina says as the agents keep shooting. 

"45, 50..." Melina and Natasha say together. As the two SHIELD cars flip over, Natasha pants and grips onto the steering wheel firmly. 

"Pull back. All your strength." 

Tears cloud Nat's vision but she manages. She smiles at Alexei, knowing he was safe. 


Natasha cries as her and Yelena kneel by Melina's weak figure. 

"Get up Mommy; pain only makes you stronger, remember?" Yelena lays her head on Melina's chest, wanting comfort. Silent tears pour out of Nat's eyes. 

"Мамочка прости меня. Мне страшно." Forgive me Mom. I'm scared. 

"Never let them take your heart." Melina says, getting lifted on a stretcher into a large vehicle. 

Natasha gets pushed away and she holds Yelena close. 

"It's gonna be okay." Natasha says, trying to reassure herself and Yelena. 

"Mommy?" Yelena says followed by Natasha's hesitant, "Mom?" 

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddyy!" Yelena screams and runs towards Alexei, being pulled away by a soldier. 

"Yelena! Get away from her!" Natasha kicks the soldier's wrist, steals his gun and points it back at the soldier, all while shielding Yelena. 

"Don't touch her! Я буду стрелять! Don't touch her! I will kill you all! Я буду стрелять! Не трогай ее!" I will shoot! I will shoot! Don't touch her!  

"Honey," Natasha points the gun at Alexei without any hesitation. "You're gonna need to hand me that gun." 

"I don't wanna go back there. I wanna stay in Ohio. You can't take her. You can't. She's only six." Nat's voice breaks and Alexei pries the gun from her hand. 

"You were even younger. It's okay. Come here. You're gonna be all right. Do you know why it's gonna be all right? 'Cause my girls are the toughest girls in the world. You're gonna take care of each other, okay? And everything, everything's gonna be fine." 

And that's when everything went black. And that's when Natasha knew she was betrayed. 


Natasha is strapped to a chair, voice long gone from all the screams. An older widow dyes her hair back to her original red. She doesn't dare move, or cry; she only says goodbye to her blue hair. Her freedom. Her life. Her Y/n. 

So bye, bye, Miss American Pie. 

Drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry. 

And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye. 

Singing, 'This'll be the day that I die. This'll be the day that I die.' 

Fireflies // Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now