Chapter 4: Visiting Panchal

Start from the beginning

Shaktiprasth had everything a kingdom would need. Blessed by Shree with everything, peace prevailed in the kingdom of Shaktiprasth. But peace was the only thing that the Queen of Shaktiprasth lacked.

This had become a common occurrence in the Palace of Shaktiprasth. When the Queen's temperament is not good, everybody stays restless with each moment around her.

The Fire Born Princess had always preferred being in authority, and power is the synonym of her aura. It was quite evident with the way she exuded herself in royalty, even when she chose absolute simplicity.

She was dressed in her signature red nauvari, and moderate embellishments which increased her glow.

Vishakha walked into the resting chamber, wondering why everything is unusually so silent today, no maids were sharing internal jokes, no soldiers had moved an inch from their place. This was an unusual sight.

"I wonder how you have managed being the finance minister for so long when your assistant makes silly calculation mistakes! Is this how you run the treasury!"

Vishakha immediately understood what caused the silence. After arguing with herself if she should intervene or not, she finally chose to enter the scene.

"Forgive him for once, Yuvrani. Handling finance is a tough job, and one making some mistakes is natural." She said softly.

A sharp look of reprimand, and she was immediately quiet.

"In that case, how about I make you the finance minister? You seem to know more about the difficulties in handling finance!"

Becoming the finance minister seemed quite nice to Vishakha if not for the part that her calculations are quite weak. It took her some time to understand the sarcasm, and she bit her tongue apologetically.

Draupadi sighed, and inhaled a deep breathe to calm down.

"Please leave, and do not make such mistakes next time. You are wise and experienced, this would only hamper your reputation if you make silly mistakes at this age." She said to the finance minister, not wanting to disrespect him for his age.

Draupadi seemed quite lost in thoughts, and her closest aide, the Naag Princess Vishakha, couldn't understand the reason behind the prevailing silence around her.

She found herself surrounded by the glitterings of royalty, yet an unsettling emptiness resided in her heart. She thought her life had always been in control, indeed it was, but not in her control.

Vishakha, her trusted aide, noticed the restlessness in the atmosphere.

"Yuvrani, is there anything bothering you?"

Draupadi looked up at her for a moment, before nodding a casual no.

"I feel you need to be in a more peaceful atmosphere for a few days, Yuvrani, somewhere away from the chaos of this palace." She said.

Draupadi leaned back on the Diwan, musing at the familiarity of these words.

"For the first time, Vishakha, your words do make some sense. I feel like I am not supposed to be here at this moment, as if my purpose is to be somewhere else." She said.

"Yuvrani, What happened that you started talking philosophically all of a sudden?" Vishakha asked, scrunching her nose in confusion.

As usual, her questions went unanswered.

"Honestly, the burdens of the throne are really heavy. Perhaps an outing to somewhere might bring solace to you, your Highness."


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