Chapter 3

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Recap : "Being with your loved ones and having good memories is the greatest luxury that I can't afford."

Yeji looked at him with concern. She didn't know why but Soobin looked like he was holding so many emotions with him.

"Oh so you're here!"
Yeji heard a voice so she turned around. She saw Lia folding her hands against her chest.

"I found you in the whole university and I finally found you here!"
Lia said while pulling a chair and sitting down beside Yeji.

She glanced at the guy in front of her and went back to looking at Yeji but when she saw that Soobin was in front of her, she again looked at him in disbelief.

"Your name's Soobin, right?"
Lia whose voice was earlier loud became more light and she sounded so formal. Yeji, on the other hand, was shocked after seeing Lia change her tone quickly.

"Yes, what's yours?"
He asked and Lia smiled.

"Lia, Choi Lia."
She introduced as she looked at Yeji who now had playful and teasing expressions on her face.

"You look tensed all of a sudden, what's the problem?"
Lia asked him. He straightened his back and coughed to speak.

"I...I got invited to a reunion party by my friends from Australia who are currently here."
He said and Lia was trying to find out where the problem was.

"And I'm not really good at fashion and all so I'm confused on what should I wear."
He continued as Lia shook her head.

"Do you know that you're sitting in front of the leader of the fashion club?"
Lia said proudly as Soobin looked at her in surprise.

"Really?! You're amazing Yeji!"
He said as Lia looked at him in disbelief.

"It's me!"
Lia said getting irritated. Yeji started smiling as the old Lia was back.

"Oh, but you just said that she's sitting in front of me."
He said while pointing at Yeji who was sitting in front of him smiling while watching them.

"Oh that- WHATEVER!"
Lia said, getting more irritated as she was at loss of words.

"So, I AM the leader of the fashion club, you don't need to worry about what you're going to wear."
Lia said while side eyeing him.

"So will you really help me?"
He said as he looked at her while shooting stars from his eyes which Lia blew away.

"Why should I help you? What do I get in return?"
Lia asked as Yeji looked at her in confusion.

"Uhm, I'll help you with academics this whole year!"
He put a profitable deal in front of her and Lia chuckled sarcastically.

"If you don't know then let me tell you, Yeji is the topper of our class! So why would I need your help?"
Lia said proudly and Soobin looked at Yeji with a mesmerized expression.

"So what's there I can do?"
He asked and Lia winked at Yeji.

"I heard that you and Yeonjun are good friends of each other."
Lia said to which he nodded.

"Tell me everything you know about him."
Lia played her last masterstroke as Yeji looked at her with excitement.

"His name's Choi Yeonjun. His dad runs a real estate business which is really popular in Australia so he wanted to expand it in his home country Korea and that's why we came here. Even his mom, she owns her own skincare company and she was already really successful before she got married to his dad. He's their only child."
Soobin said as if he had learnt all this.

"And what about his love life?"
Lia said getting to the point. Soobin looked her with weird expressions but then proceeded to speak.

"Most of the girls are crazy over him but he never spared any glance to any of them. He just despises them and if you're after him then stop chasing him because he'll definitely not be interested in you."
Soobin said and Lia slammed he hands on the table.

"And what do you mean by that?! It's not my problem that your friend's a narcissist and doesn't like anyone!"
Lia yelled but it wasn't loud.

"Okay, calm down!"
Soobin said after seeing Lia react like that.

They heard a voice of someone singing. Yeji and Lia recognized that it was Kai.

"The lectures for science students ahead cancelled!"
He announced happily and the students in the cafeteria started cheering.

"Well, we should go and get something for you for the party!"
Yeji suggested and it seemed to be a convincing idea for both Lia and Heeseung.

The three of them went to the parking lot only to get jumpscared by Yeonjun who was waiting for Soobin to come to his car. Yeonjun started laughing at Soobin who flinched at the jumpscare but got confused when he saw a girl covering her eyes and the other one glaring at Yeonjun.

"You're that girl from before!"
Yeonjun said and he looked at the girl who was covering her ears. Yeji looked up to see Yeonjun. Yeji again felt like everything went slow motion with the song "Love Maybe" playing in the background along with wedding bells.

"What are you doing here?"
Soobin asked Yeonjun.

"I was going to home, the lectures are cancelled but then I thought of scaring you!"
Yeonjun explained while laughing while Lia and Yeji were still shocked after seeing Yeonjun laugh. His behavior was completely opposite from earlier.

"And where are you going?"
Yeonjun asked.

"I'm going out for shopping of the clothes with Lia and Yeji for the party."
Soobin said as Yeonjun nodded.

"I'll get going then, enjoy!"
Saying that, Yeonjun started walking away. Yeji was looking at him go away but she wanted Yeonjun to stay so she gathered up all her courage and said in a higher voice.

"Yeonjun! Would you like to join us?"

Cupid's Play | Yeonjun x Yeji ft. Soobin x LiaWhere stories live. Discover now