💛Ep3: Monkey King💛

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy." MK replied as he started to stand up with the girl's help.

Hemera sighed. "MK, you shouldn't play with that staff so carelessly. You don't know how to control Monkey King's staff either." She advised.

"I know. But I'm can't holding back! You know? Meeting the Monkey King? That would be awesome! Playing with that staff makes me feel like I'm the Monkey King!" He explained.

She chuckled nervously. "Okay... But please, don't hurt yourself again when you play with that staff. Please." She said softly.

"On it, boss!" He answered like soldier.

This made the girl giggle softly. The sound of the photo was heard, making them look at Mei who was giggling mischievously. They looked at each other before realizing they were holding hands. This made them blush and immediately let go of their grip.

"I got the photo, y'all." Mei cackled.

"Mei! Delete it, right now!" MK protested while blushing.

Hemera hid her face while listening to M&M arguing with each other over photos. She then realized something before looking around.

'Where's Neiru?'

On the other hand

A creature passing through a school of fish. It was seen swimming while diving calmly in the water. Apparently it was the oni girl, Neiru.

She looks like she is enjoying swimming in the water. She swam further along with the fish. She also picked up some shells on the sea sand and played with the starfish. She also passed a group of jellyfish swimming around and she carefully tried not to get stung. While diving, she met a gold fish there. She casually bopped the fish.

"Bop." She said before swimming away again, not noticing a small blush on the golden fish.

She passed a group of dolphins. Neiru started petting them before going swimming to the boat so that no one would know that she was swimming in the sea.

Neiru began to pop her head into the air, breathing in the fresh air with relief. Hemera immediately looked down and panicked.

"Neiru?! What are you doing down there?!" She whispered.

"Girl, relax. I was just about to go up." Neiru stated

"Okay, but hurry up! They gonna notice you!" She said.

"Alright, alright, geez."

She used her powers to slide up the water onto the boat. She also uses it to remove water from her entire body. She then casually threw the water back into the ocean.

Her eyes glanced at Hemera who was massaging her temples while letting out a rough breath. "We've talked about this, right?" She glared

"Uhh.... To not use our powers when we on public or with or friends?" Neiru recalled.

"Exactly. And you've done it few times." Hemera brought up.

"Since when?" Neiru questioned.

"You don't remember it. But for me, I still remember it clearly."

Flashback start

In the restaurant, Neiru is seen washing dirty bowls of noodles that are piled up. She sighed before looking at the pile of bowls. The one who ate a lot of noodles was Tang who made a lot of dirty bowls, especially since he didn't pay for the noodles.

She then saw MK who appeared beside her. "Hey Neiru, have you seen my documentation book?" He asked. She casually pointed to the item he was looking for under a pile of bowls.

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