~Thorin Pt 1~

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Title: Ms.Oakinshield
Im in the halls of Erebor taking the king his fresh towels. I'm late so... I should probably move fast unless I want to be punished! The castle is crowded and moving fast, I wonder why everyone is in such a hurry!

"DRAGON!! DRAGON!!" Says a man from above. I guess the king doesn't need his towels anymore so I'm just going to put them on the floor and run. I can't see anything but panic, guards running. I can only hear screaming from every single direction of my head. Suddenly I hear a roar, the dragon. Next the loud thumping shaking the ground like an earthquake, rushing winds like I was in a tornado. I could barely stay on the ground. Then I saw it. The dragon itself standing in front of the door. I'm at the top of the castle looking over the beast itself. Then I remember,where's my little sister? Hopefully she's safe, but I have to look for her. The guards won't let me through the castle for my safety they say. They push me out the castle as I fight back kicking and screaming for my sister. I fall to the ground sobbing and in pain.

"Ma'am are you ok? Whats wrong? Are you hurt?" I can't tell whose speaking. It's a mans voice I can tell. I don't care. I keep screaming. "Ma'am please stop screaming and tell me if your ok?" The man grabs my shoulders. Uh oh it's the prince, I should stop. I don't want to embarrass myself. So I just nod my head.

"No actually,I'm not ok my sister is still in there and they won't let me in!" I cry again.

"I'll get your sister ok? She'll be fine don't worry yourself, you'll get wrinkles early like that." I laugh. You know the prince is very attractive. Why couldn't I bring him towels every morning? "I'll get her back, I promise." He's staring at me, what do I do? It's making me nervous but I like it. I look up and he's gone running into the castle again.

It's been at least 20 minutes and I feel bad. I start losing hope in the prince. It hasn't been that long so I should be patient. Everyone is still screaming in terror and you can still feel an earthquake in the ground with every step. But I just forget about everything around me and sit in front of the castle waiting in cross cross applesauce on the ground. I hear the dragon roaring and I feel the heat from his flaming breath. Still, I sit and wait. Suddenly I hear a yelling voice. And a man running through the smoke with a child in his arms. I stand up to get a better look. It's the prince and my sister! He runs to my location, lays down my sister and just falls dead. Not dead but he's unconscious. I hug my sister tight then get the royal doctors to help the prince. I volunteer to help.

The prince is opening his for the first time since I last saw him. "Is your sister ok?" He says.

"Yes, she's fine. Thank you for doing that. I owe you my life!" I say to him. I feel grateful for someone like him to come along so I hug him really tight. He looks startled but I don't care.

|| AGAIN if you want me to share your story comment me and I'll give you my email so you can send it to me. I take requests!! This one I might delete later but I'm going to continue and go to part 2!! Hope everyone's having a good day and THX FOR READING||

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