Thunderous Confrontation

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"Cocky. But, I got nothing better to do. So, let's go." Fenner says.

"You're done." Death says, charging towards Fenner with immense speed.

Fenner stepped to the side as Death flew past, landing against the wall.

"Why'd you dodge?" Death asks.

"Until you land a hit... I'm not gonna do much." Fenner replies.

Death looked irritated.

"I came here to fight you one on one. Not one on pacifist." Death says.

Fenner looked unbothered.

"Well, hit me then." Fenner replies.

Death looked even more frustrated, attempting to quickly get behind Fenner to land a hit.

Fenner ducked before the hit could land as he turned around.

Death tries to get behind Fenner once again, attempting the same thing.

"Why does he bother going behind me...?" Fenner says to himself, avoiding the hit again.

Death is just purely frustrated, struggling to land a hit.

"You kinda... Suck at this, Death." Fenner says.

"Just you wait..." Death says, going for another hit.

"Oh did I mention that, each hit you land will... Make my rage go further?" Fenner says as the hit lands just too late after he said that.

Death froze when he hit Fenner, it was almost like he just punched a brick wall.

"Well, would you look at that. You finally landed a hit. I suppose... It's my turn now." Fenner says.

"Bring it on! I know your moves!" Death replied, challenging Fenner.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Fenner says, materializing the bat.

"The bat-... As long as I keep my distance, I'll survive..." Death thought to himself, backhopping to maintain a distance.

"Go and pick up a weapon. Sure the fists won't do much good. Unless you want a fist fight?" Fenner says.

"Fist fight." Death says.

"Alright then, play by your rules." Fenner says, dematerializing the bat into his hand.

Death charges towards Fenner with immense speed, trying to punch, but Fenner blocked the attack before it can land.

"Slow down there, buddy." Fenner says.

Death tries to kick Fenner, but to no avail as Fenner kicked the leg away.

Death sends a surprise fist, actually landing it as Fenner stood there, unbothered.

"So you want... To push me to a new form, huh?" Fenner says.

"I want to know everything about you..." Death replied.

"So be it." Fenner says, kicking Death back.

Fenner stood there, sprung himself into the air, landing back down and causing an indent in the floor.

"Hah! What's that gonna do-" Death says before freezing at the sight of Fenner.

Fenner had some strange aura, which is confusing since aura's don't really exist.

"What the-... What is he doing?" Death thought to himself.

Before Death could even comprehend, Fenner was already infront of him.

Fenner's Life. [Murder Drones]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant