The Basement

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AN: This is during the gap in season 3 episode 1.

Both boys laid awake. Neither could sleep mostly in fear of the reoccurring nightmares.

"Hunter?" Gus said as he sat up.

"Yeah Gus?"

"What if we can't get home, w-what if we can't make a portal, what if Ms. Noceda kicks us out because sh-she can't take care of us or-or she doesn't want to," Gus couldn't hold the tears in anymore. "Or what if we get home an-and everyone's gone, what if-"

Gus was cut off by strong arms wrapped around his middle as Hunter sat down next to Gus holding him tightly.

"Sssshhh. Just breathe" Hunter said as he and Gus did Willow's breathing trick with one of Hunter's arms still wrapped protectively around Gus.

"I-I'm scared Hunter" Gus said with his misty dark blue almost black eyes staring into Hunter's dark pink eyes.

"I know. I am too. Everyone is, we're all just taking it day by day. Baby steps, today we learn Spanish and maybe tomorrow we get a portal but not overnight, Ok?" He said holding the smaller boy harder.

"Thank you Hunter, I feel safe with you."

Hunter blushed deep red thankful it was dark, what is wrong with you Hunter? Why are you blushing? This is Gus!

"I'm glad. Well uh-I don't think I can fall asleep"

"Would-if you, umm, c-could you maybe st-stay? I don't want to be alone." Please say yes Hunter. I just want to stay like this.

That made Hunter's face many shades darker (if that was even possible). He wants me to stay with him in his "bed"(sleeping bag) cuddling!

"Yeah of course" Hunter said nervously prompting the boys the move into a more comfortable position leading to Hunter big spooning Gus.

"Hmmm, good night" Gus said.

"G'night Gus, sleep tight" he said.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite"

"Wait what are bed bugs?!" The non-human expert said.

"Doesn't matter, good night" Gus replied sinking into Hunter's arms.

"Good night" said Hunter but the boy had already fallen into a peaceful sleep.

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