𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧

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"So yeah, that's about it!" There was a comfortable silence engulfing the siblings

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"So yeah, that's about it!" There was a comfortable silence engulfing the siblings. They had never been awkward with each other, but never overly talkative either.

Jiyeon turned towards her brother, grabbing his hands in hers. "I just want you to know how proud of you I am, Hyunjae." She received a half smile from the teenager.

"Thanks." Despite the sentiment only being a word long, Jiyeon knew that it came from the heart. The two's relationship consisted of almost purely bickering so when it was time to get serious, things became awkward most times.

"I can't believe you have a girlfriend though!" Jiyeon exclaimed to which Hyunjae playfully shoved her.

He laughed. "C'mon is that seriously what you retained from my life recap?"

The girl took a sip of fruit tea, an amused smile on her face. "Okay okay, I'll shut my ass up. But hey, I knew you would be doing well here. You've always been great at adapting to new situations and now that you're away from home I can see how much you've prospered." The two smiled at each other, eyes glancing at the early summer scenery all around. Kids playing, birds chirping, and almost everyone with ice cream or a cold drink in hand

"What about you?" Hyunjae spoke up, a tease in his tone.

"What about me?"

"I saw the news of you and Mingyu. I'm happy for you." There wasn't much of an exclamation in his words but Hyunjae was genuine. He had a slight feeling that the two were something even all those months ago. So to see his sister in a relationship with Mingyu wasn't too surprising. The only shocking thing was just how his stupid sister was able to pull anyone let alone someone like Kim Mingyu.

Jiyeon let out a chuckle, "Thanks Hyun."

"How are you though? Saw some of the hate comments online. I never really thought you'd go for an idol though let alone actually pull one." Hyunjae scowled at his sister who flicked him on the head before genuinely answering him.

"It's going pretty good honestly. Getting with him wasn't something I honestly expected but at this point, nothing can come between us as cheesy as it sounds. I feel like I've found my person y'know? Mingyu actually wanted to come along with me but they have a show in London today so he'll give you your birthday gift tomorrow. Gosh, you won't believe how hard it was to force Pledis to put European locations on their world tour (a/n- I'm from the US but my heart goes out to all European carats) let alone around the time of your 18th birthday."

Jiyeon had been planning to visit her younger brother in the UK even before Seventeen had announced their world tour back in April, almost an entire year since Hyunjae had left. It was the kid's 18th birthday after all and Mingyu had gotten surprisingly close to him through text so after a bit of plotting, the couple had been able to convince Pledis to place Europe locations on Seventeens tour. This meant that Seventeen would be in London around the time of Hyunjae's birthday and although they had the actual show on the same day the sibling would be celebrating, the next day was free and that was good enough.

𝐏𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 | kmg ( editing )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora