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Henry Jones Senior: "You look well for your age, Junior."

Indy: "I can't believe it. You're here.."

Henry Jones Senior: "Of course I am. Where else would I be?"

Indy: "I've..really missed you, dad. My last few adventures weren't the same without you."

Henry Jones Sr: "You still call them archeology?"

(Indy chuckled)

Henry Jones Sr: "By the way..around the corner. There were snakes, son. Big ones."

Indy: "Yep. There usually are. Rats too."

Henry Jones Sr: "Good thing I can't reach that area."

Indy: "You can't? Why not?"

Henry Jones Sr: "I'm here as long as you are, Junior. I'm not trapped here once you leave though."

Indy: "So I..brought you all here with me. You' my head."

Henry Jones Sr: "And your heart. Do you know why it is you look years younger in here?"

Indy: "Drinking from the grail. Some..sort of spiritual connection?"

Henry Jones Sr: "Partly perhaps. But more importantly, because this is who you are at your core. Age doesn't stop you. Nothing can stop you, son. Not the Nazis...and not losing me."

Indy: "Dad.."

Henry Jones Sr: "It's time for me to go now, son. But I'll always be with you."

(They shared an emotional hug as Henry Jones Senior vanished)

Donavan: "Truly heart wrenching."

(Indy looked over to Walter Donavan)

Indy: "..Donavan."

Indiana Jones and the Cavern of Spirits Where stories live. Discover now