Catching Up

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(The boat reached the north China sea)

Willie: "So how did you meet Indy?"

Marion: "Um..since we were quite young. My father mentored him."

Willie: "You two ever break up?"

Marion: "Ha. Many times."

Willie: "You ever get lowered into hot pits?"

Marion: "..I was tossed into a snake pit with him once. Also nearly drowned in quick sand with him once. We got out..thanks to a snake."

Willie: "Sounds like we've both been through a lot with him."

Marion: "Yeah..I hope you don't um..still have feelings for him..?"

Willie: "Oh no no. Definitely not. I left him to pursue my singing career."

Marion: "And yet somehow you found your way back to him. Happens to him all the time."

Sallah: "My friends I believe we are close!"

Indy: "So what's the story with this cavern, Shorty?"

Short Round: "It's said to possess the souls of the dead. They speak to you and you learn things about yourself."

Indy: "I'd say it sounds ridiculous but I've seen crazier things."

Short Round: "...why'd you never visit me?"

Indy: "I wanted to, kid. But honestly I did want you to have a normal life. Which was something..I couldn't give you."

Short Round: "..did you find time for love?"

(Indy smirked)

Indy: "More than I deserved."

Sallah: "Ship approaching! Do you recognize the fine print on the side?"

(Another ship pulled up beside them)

Indy: "No.."

(The words read: Lao Che)

Indy and Willie in unison: "Lao?!!"

Lao Che: "Hello, Doctor Jones."

Indiana Jones and the Cavern of Spirits Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon