Chapter Two

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"Beyond this door is where you'll likely end up staying should you accept my proposal. Think of it to be sort of like a dorm." Sigewinne explains as she unlocks a door in the corner of the infirmary. It looked very out of place in a run-down establishment(?)  Such as this one. Out of place as in ritzy and brand new.

You step inside alongside her and straight ahead is a hallway leading up to what looks like an open floored area set with a kitchen and living room. You can't help but marvel at the modernization of the little home. It's nothing like the rusty-dusty aesthetic the rest of the fortress. When you're walking in, the lights are so bright, it feels like you're stepping into the sunlight. Not to mention the smell of citrus and sweet flowers lingering in the air. The Melusine giggles at your awed reaction and leads you past a bathroom and laundry room.

"From the very moment I found out that there was a hollow space behind the wall I stopped at nothing to make Wriothesley agree to let me remodel this place with my saved funds. And what do ya know?" She dances around and you can't help but smile along with her. A melusine's happiness is always contagious. "I was able to have two guest rooms built for potential assistants as well! You're welcome to go and have a look at the bedroom to your right! The other one is kind of being used for storage at the moment. I could use your assistance sorting it out sometime down the line. "

"I wouldn't mind helping out. And thanks." You enter the guest bedroom and nod your head at the size. You were worried when she offered up the idea of letting you stay with her, picturing that the home would've been built with purely the idea of a tiny Melusine in mind but this wasn't the case at all. Your potential bedroom was nothing crazy but it was big enough to hold a twin bed, a desk, a bookshelf, and a few other commodities. The walls are the generic white you find in all new homes and a cute trim runs the bottom where the dark wooden floorboards meet the wall.

"This is amazing Sigewinne! Did you design this place yourself?" She quickly enters the room with you, a tray of drinks in her hands.

"Sure did. But with the help of Wriothesley of course. He's better with measurements and that sort of thing."

"Oh? I never knew he was such an expert in the ways of architecture." You joke, kindly accepting the drink on the tray and then sitting down on the comfy bed. You almost begin drinking when you notice that there is a third one on the tray.

"Hey, who's that for? Is Wriothesley joining us?"

"Maybe you are sharp after all, Detective Sherlock." As if spoken of like the devil, Wriothesley appears before the two of you in all of his glory, entering the frame with his signature grin. "I don't think I'll ever get used to how bright it is in here. I suddenly feel like I've been chopping onions for the past three hours."

His whiney comment rightfully goes ignored. "Sure took you long enough. Here, have a shake!" Sigewinne beams, offering up the silver tray of drinks.

He quickly declines and forms an obviously false excuse as to why he cannot accept anything to drink. You hadn't tasted the milkshake yet but you easily became worried about why he was so quick to shut her offer down.

You didn't have a chance to set the one in your hand down in time when Sigewinne began looking at you with silent pleading eyes. Your almost quivering lips begin to sip the shake. If you had to describe it, you would say it tastes a lot like Keto chocolate cereal. Not good at all but definitely not the worst either. Your younger brother often creates god-awful "culinary" concoctions as a means of catering to you for all of your hard work for the household. You could never bring yourself to turn down his gratitude and in return, you've built a tolerance for not-so-yummy foods.

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