'05' shit happens

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mj pov

y/n looked like absolute shit. I'm not saying that to be mean but I'm saying it looked like she hadn't slept in weeks. I took her to the bathroom to examine her wounds and hoped she wasn't going to try lying to me because I could see right through her. Always. 

We had known each other for six years and I think I would know know hundred percent if she was lying or not. 

While we were walking to the bathroom I noticed she was limping too. 

What had happened to her?

she went into the handicapped stall and I followed her into it. 

"Talk," I ordered her.

"Talk about what?" she played dumb. I shook my head.

"What? like if I can't see you limping and wincing the second I touch you." My arms were crossed as I was waiting for an explanation. 

"I can't tell you." She looks down.

"Why not?" 

"Cause then I'd burden you with something else." My expression softened. 

"You're not a burden. I'm just worried. And you can tell me anything, I'll never judge you." 

She thought about it. 

"So I'm assuming you've seen the new vigilante that the Avengers are looking for..." she paused. 

"Yeah, so? What does that have to do with-" Oh my god.
"You're?" she nodded. 
"They're looking for- for you?" I asked, completely shaken.

"yeah. Yesterday I came across some burglars, you know the basics, and well they got me pretty good." My jaw dropped. 

y/n pov

it's not like I was gonna tell her the truth. It's not like I was gonna tell her I was being abused by my Uncle. She knew I had lost both my parents when I was younger, I mean hell, she helped me grieve. But she didn't know what my life was like with my uncle and I was determined to keep it that way.

"How long have you been it?" Mj asked

"What? A vigilante?"

She nodded.

"about six months ago when something inside me woke."

"what do you mean?"

"like this," I focused all my remaining strength on my hands and I managed to lift MJ's bag off the bathroom floor. Her reaction was priceless. She gasped and I shut her mouth.

"you're the only person who knows and I'd like to keep it that way please." She nodded compliantly.

"Just promise me something?" She asked. I hesitated but I nodded.

"try to leave the superhero work to the Avengers, that's why they exist, I don't want you to endanger yourself any more than you have to. I mean first, it's burglars next it's assassins like just please be careful, I can't lose you"

"I promise" I smiled at her and we headed to our first period. English. 


Alr so that's the 5th chapter already. I have a lot of ideas for this book so I really hope I go through with them. If ur reading this thx and yea don't forget to vote and stuff. 

I seriously doubt anyone will read this but wtv yolo.

491 words

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