'04' spiderboy

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y/n pov

I sat down on the ledge of Delmar's roof, overlooking the beautiful city I lived in. 

Someone was behind me. I straightened up and was ready to punch if I had to. 

"Hey." Oh, it was the spider.

"hi?" I said softly. 

"Who are you?" He asked. I didn't know what to answer to that.

"I- don't know," I stayed silent.

"Well, do you have powers? or like a unique ability?" 

"I can read minds and like people's emotions, and I can move things with my mind," I explained. He stared at me in shock.

"Wow, maybe your superhero name can be Enchantress." 

"Why do you assume I'm here to be a hero and not a villain?"

"I don't know. I think it's what my sixth sense is telling me." Sixth sense?

"Oh. I hope you're right." He walked closer to me and I turned my head, not wanting him to see me. He sat next to me. 

"I'm Spiderman." He took out his hand for me to shake it. 

"nice to meet you" I smiled. 

We watched the sunrise silently. I looked at the time on my phone. 

6: 30 am.


"I have to go but it was nice meeting you." I smiled. I guess he wasn't as bad as he thought he would be. 

I rushed home, ignoring the texts bombarding my phone. 

I tried to sneak in as quietly as I could but right as I got through my window, Ed busted through my door. 

"Where the fuck were you?" he yelled.

"No where." I lied. 

"Yeah, 'nowhere' ?" he was definitely skeptical. "WHERE WERE YOU? LAST TIME I'M ASKING!"

I didn't know what to say...

He grabbed a fistful of my hair and tugged tightly, i gripped his wrist trying to make him let it go. He threw my head to the side and I banged my head against a mirror. It shattered and the glass broke into a million pieces all scattered through the floor. I was bleeding profusely. I was on the floor and he began kicking my ribs, i heard cracks. He left and I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid. 

I looked in the mirror. 

God I looked like shit.

I had school in thirty minutes and I was bleeding, in pain, and my hair was severely matted. I sighed, trying to swallow the lump in the back of my throat. 

My chest felt like it was being stabbed every time I breathed in, I pulled out a bandage from the first aid and pressed it gently to the open wound on my forehead. 

I didn't know what to do with my ribs so I just let them be. 

I picked up my bag from the floor and headed to school. 

Nothing better to do so might as well.

I decided to check the notifications I had gotten while getting beat up. 

Mj had texted me. 

Pookie wookie
did u do the bio hw????

two words: what bio hw????

pookie wookie
that was three dumbass

now ik why i'm failing english

pookie wookie
we all knew

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