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district four. fishing. career. deadly. that is what comes to mind if you think of district four, well, if you don't live there. to Hali Atlantic though it was paradise, the way the warm sand felt as she walked along the beach, how no matter where you were in the district you could hear the distant crashing of the waves against the rock. and that no matter what time of year it was it was always the perfect temperature.

Atlantic was a well known name in district 4 as Cordelia Atlantic was the mayor. many people respected Cordelia greatly as she didn't turn a blind eye to the hypocrisy and oppression that took place in panem like others however with the reaping coming up for the 72nd hunger games she was worried about her 14 year old daughter's fate. President snow was notorious for punishing people by killing their families and putting their children into the games.

hali sat on the sand inside the cave, that was where she would meet alex after work. she loved not having to go collect fish nets or having to work in the pearl factories but she hated being privileged, she hated knowing that while other people her age were working and going to school she only went to school and got to lounge about the beach for 4 hours. dispite district 4 being a career they were not rich like 1 or skilled like 2 and they did not have a training academy, in fact very little people in four even taught thier children how to fight. but cordelia being mayor put hali at a high chance of getting punished for her mother's actions was reason enough to train hali in spear combat.

then in the distance she heard the rustle of bushes and footsteps on the sand, she knew she was in no danger in four but she still put her guard up hid in a darker part of the cave. when she heard her and alex's secret calling she came out. "alex!" hali called out the girls ran and embraced eachother before falling to the ground laughing still engulfed in a hug. "how was work?" hali asked enthusiastically, alex's expression soured "good." she said bluntly. "what's wrong? did something happen," hali asked in a concerned tone "i'm just so sick of you always asking about work when you're so damn happy all the time! do you think i want to be stuck in a factory all day? and i just want to go swimming after sitting there for four hours but your little pretentious princess ass has to come and ruin it! i'm sick of you being the 'mayors daughter' and acting so perfect all the time like drop the act!" alex screamed at her. hali stayed silent " well say something then!" alex shouted getting annoyed. hali picked up her book and pulled her skirt on over her bikini, "why value my opinion if i'm so pretentious?" hali asked calmly as she fixed her posture. she ignored the rest of alex's shouts as she made her way back to the mayoral house.

when she got home her mother was waiting in the living room, "hey darling, it's almost time to head to the reaping there's some clothes on your bed love" cordelia says. Hali runs up the stairs and walks into her bedroom and puts on the white maxi skirt and blue top her mum set out for her. she then sat down at the dresser and puts a few braids in her sun bleached blonde hair then threw it up in a messy bun.

"come on hal we'll be late!" cordelia announced up the stairs. "what, im ready?" hali said as she appeared at the top of the stairs. hali walked down the stairs to meet her mother and they proceeded towards the justice building for the reaping. "right hal i have to leave to go stand beside the victors ok, i love you and you'll be fine ok. i promise." hali quickly hugged her mother then went to sign in and then stand with the other 15 year olds. it was her 4th year but it never got less intimidating.

she looked towards the stage and made eye contact with her mother who was stood beside finnick odair the 20 year old victor who had won his games at 14, the mayor's house over looked the victor's village so she often saw finnick sitting with annie cresta on the steps of her house comforting her, she thought of the screams of terror that came out of the village, it seemed like losing the hunger games was the better option.

suddenly her thoughts were interrupted as a lady dressed in a very obnoxious purple outfit came out on stage.

(hair and outfit)

(hair and outfit)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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